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Content Categorization Tools Taxonomies & Technologies for Infrastructure Solutions Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group Knowledge Architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Content Categorization Tools Taxonomies & Technologies for Infrastructure Solutions Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group Knowledge Architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content Categorization Tools Taxonomies & Technologies for Infrastructure Solutions Tom Reamy Chief Knowledge Architect KAPS Group Knowledge Architecture Professional Services

2 2 Agenda  KAPS Group & Categorization Research  The Answer is Taxonomy, What is the problem?  Machine Categorization – Companies, Methods, Directions  The Place of Taxonomy in the Enterprise – Taxonomy as an infrastructure activity – Foundation for Content Management, Search, Portals, Smart Applications

3 3 KAPS Group  KAPS Background – Knowledge Architecture Consultants – Organize and contextualize content, communities, and tasks – Professional Services partner to Categorization Companies  Categorization research – Evaluated 20+ companies – More companies, more new technologies – The answer is categorization, not Google

4 4 The Answer is Taxonomy. What is the Problem?  Professionals spend more time looking for information than using it  Professionals spend up to 2 hours a day searching  Corporate Intranets Survey – Can’t find anything – Search Stinks - Can’t find good content – No good content

5 5 The Answer is Taxonomy. What is the Problem?  Infoglut: More information is being generated every day in modern companies than our entire corpus from the Athenian golden age  Quantity of information overwhelms our ability to present and classify it.  Search is not enough. – Humans search concepts, not strings

6 6 A Modest Proposal: A Solution to Infoglut  Bury all new content for 2,500 years  Lose most new content in a library fire  Unless you can convince a group of monks that your content is worth copying, it gets tossed  Dark Ages Solution: Stop writing for a thousand years

7 7 Infoglut: A Really Radical Solution  Hire librarians, editors, information architects to categorize your content OR  Develop technologies that: – support and enhance the ability of authors and editors to characterize content – enhance the ability of users to find content AND  Create a hybrid human/automatic solution

8 8 New Technologies: Categorization Explosion  Autonomy  Semio  Verity  Inxight  Topical Net  Mohomine  LingoMotors  H5Technologies  YellowBrix  Entopia  Bridgewell  MetaTagger  Applied Semantics  Sageware  SmartLogik  Inktomi/Quiver  Stratify  Vivisimo  Textology  Other - Tacit

9 Auto-Categorization: Methods – Semi-Automatic: Rules, If-Then Maximum precision & flexibility – Catalog by Example: Bayesian, SVM, Neural Training Sets (5-500) Speed, Learning – Statistical Clustering Set of Documents & Taxonomy Level – Semantic Analysis & World Knowledge

10 Origins of Auto-Categorization  News Feeds and Content providers uniform content, size and structure professional writers Simple or standard vocabulary  Corporate intranet Wildly varied content Mix of good, bad, and ugly writers Tower of Babel: Acronyms, special meanings

11 New Technologies: The Human Element  Automatic Categorization is Not  Humans are better, but not as consistent – Bring outside contexts to the document Purpose, similar documents, common sense – Understandable mistakes  Computers are faster and cheaper – Faster yes, Cheaper ? – Cost of poorer quality categorization Intranet: 20,000 users taking 60 seconds longer = $20,000 a week  The Best Answer is Hybrid or Cyborg Categorization

12 12 Summary  No clear leader in categorization  No one has it all.  Immature industry and pent up demand  No out of the box solutions: Support Distributed Hybrid  Look for Advanced Algorithms Clustering, Auto-Summarization, noun phrase extraction World Knowledge, import public & custom taxonomies Integration – rules, metadata, components & product CM, Search, Portals, Expertise, Collaboration, Applications

13 13 Location of Taxonomy in the Enterprise: An Infrastructure Activity  Technology $Millions and 1,000’s of people  Organizational Recognized Value fundamental to business activity  Intellectual A couple of librarians No budget First to be laid off 3 Infrastructures TechnologicalOrganizationalIntellectual

14 14 Location of Taxonomy in the Enterprise: An Infrastructure Activity  Technology $Millions and 1,000’s of people  Organizational Recognized Value fundamental to business activity  Intellectual A couple of librarians No budget First to be laid off 3 Infrastructures TechnologicalOrganizationalIntellectual 3 Infrastructures TechnologicalOrganizational Intellectual

15 15 Creating an Intellectual Infrastructure  Knowledge Audit / Knowledge Map  Knowledge Creating – Innovation, Content Management, E-learning  Knowledge Sharing / Transmission – Collaboration, Retrieval - content, experts  Knowledge Using – Smart Applications, CRM, Portals  Knowledge Architecture People

16 16 Content Management and Taxonomy  Taxonomic Publishing Model – Publish by Category, not web site – Web Site the wrong unit of organization  Distributed Work Flow Collaborative Categorization and keywords by Subject Matter Experts, aided by software  Content Re-Organization – Rich Web of Related Content Basic information + contexts  Content Re-Organization: Next Steps – Document can be wrong unit of organization

17 17 Taxonomy and Search Knowledge Retrieval: Information + Contexts  Information Retrieval: ProductName – List of Documents, ranked by frequency of keyword  Knowledge Retrieval: ProductName – Personal & Community & Historical Filters – List of Documents – about product – Categorized list: Features of Product Comparisons of Products Legal / Policy documents Activities associated with product – Background Resources Glossaries, Communities

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