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Torfaen Working Group Enter. Quit Feeling Good Quit How Does It Feel? How does your body feel when you feel good? Look for words such as comfortable,

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Presentation on theme: "Torfaen Working Group Enter. Quit Feeling Good Quit How Does It Feel? How does your body feel when you feel good? Look for words such as comfortable,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Torfaen Working Group Enter

2 Quit Feeling Good

3 Quit How Does It Feel? How does your body feel when you feel good? Look for words such as comfortable, relaxed and floppy

4 QuitExcited

5 How Does It Feel? How does your body feel when you are excited? Look for words such as hot, jumpy and eager

6 Quit Not Happy

7 Quit How Does It Feel? How does your body feel when someone is being mean to you? Look for words such as headache, can’t sleep, tight throat

8 Quit Why Do Bullies Do It? Write down some reasons, you can think of here. None of these reasons are the fault of the person being bullied

9 Quit What Can I Do? Write down some responses, you can think of here. Find Out More

10 Quit What Can We Do? >Tell someone >Do not respond; if you can, smile and walk away >Shrug and walk away quickly and confidently >Smile >Agree >Tell someone: a friend or a teacher, or your parents >Make a joke back >Stare back in a strong way >Take deep breaths and tell yourself you are OK. The bully has the problem >Repeat the comment mockingly Role-play a scene based on one of these

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