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Transforming lives through learning Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland Annual Conference 2014 Ann Kivlin, Education Officer & Sheila.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming lives through learning Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland Annual Conference 2014 Ann Kivlin, Education Officer & Sheila."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming lives through learning Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland Annual Conference 2014 Ann Kivlin, Education Officer & Sheila Brown, HMI Community Learning and Development Policy and Improvement Team

2 Transforming lives through learning What do we do?

3 Transforming lives through learning Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships: Community Learning and Development (2012) Clear statement of the purpose of community learning and development (CLD) Sets out the focus for CLD within the National Performance Framework as: 1.improved life chances for people of all ages, through learning, personal development and active citizenship 2.stronger, more resilient supportive, influential and inclusive communities.

4 Transforming lives through learning What do we need to do..? Each local authority should have a clearly defined framework for planning and delivering CLD, through partnership, as a key element of its reformed public services. CLD Strategic Guidance (p5) The Scottish Government, 2012

5 Transforming lives through learning The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 What have we been doing? – Direct Support – Policy Support – Supplementary Materials

6 Transforming lives through learning Direct Support – Partnership Agreements, Engagement Requests, National Organisations, Strategic Funding Partnerships (SFP’s), Innovation & Improvement Fund (I&I) …

7 Transforming lives through learning Policy Support – Drop in events/ sessions for HMI’s, ALO and other ES/SG staff Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships: Community Learning and Development (2012) Our ambitions for improving the life chances of young people in Scotland - National Youth Work Strategy (2014-2019) Adult Learning in Scotland: A Statement of Ambition (2014) Adult Literacies in Scotland 2020 (ALIS 2020): Strategic Guidance (2010) The Adult ESOL Strategy for Scotland (Refresh 2014)

8 Transforming lives through learning Supplementary Materials Local Authority Guidance, Awareness Raising Presentations, Efficient & Adequate paper, Innovative Practice Visits, SFP & I&I products …

9 Transforming lives through learning Who is doing well? Varied picture, however: Dundee – small city, neighbourhood structure and existing consultation mechanisms in each of their 6 neighbourhoods Edinburgh – involvement of voluntary sector (WEA and others) in consultation and needs analysis Innovation and Improvement Orkney – use of CLD Area Profiles as basis of innovative model of engagement to develop methodology for comprehensive consultation relevant to remote/rural area(s). West Lothian – creative conversations locally linked with Community Planning Partnership’s community engagement framework. Learning Link & WEA - researching and gathering learners’ views of their personal learning experiences. The aim of the project is to find out what barriers learners encounter to contributing their views in their personal learning context and how these might be overcome. Youth Scotland Network - developing and delivering train the trainers materials relating to the CLD competencies, Strategic Guidance and the CLD Regulations.

10 Transforming lives through learning What next? Inwards (ES) -Ensuring a continued focus on CLD Regulations for several cycles – bedding in and measuring impact -Supporting ALOs and HMI’s -Implications for Inspection and review Outwards (CLD) -Continued support to sector? -Varying structures, comparing and sharing progress complex -Engaging and supporting partners and wider stakeholders ?

11 Transforming lives through learning

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