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Greece Bingo 1 PericlesMonarchyMarathonThermopylaeMountains and seas HomerPolisAristarchusAlexanderAristotle SophoclesPhalanxPhilip of Macedonia DirectRepresentative.

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Presentation on theme: "Greece Bingo 1 PericlesMonarchyMarathonThermopylaeMountains and seas HomerPolisAristarchusAlexanderAristotle SophoclesPhalanxPhilip of Macedonia DirectRepresentative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greece Bingo 1 PericlesMonarchyMarathonThermopylaeMountains and seas HomerPolisAristarchusAlexanderAristotle SophoclesPhalanxPhilip of Macedonia DirectRepresentative HellenisticOligarchyDelian LeagueTrojanHerodotus ThucydidesAcropolisAristocracyEuclidSocrates Golden ageTragedy and comedy DemocracyIliadPlato TyrantMinoanHelotXerxesHippocrates SalamisAristophanesMyceneanMount Olympus Solon

2 Greece Bingo 2 HelotMonarchyMarathonThermopylaeOligarchy HomerMinoanAristarchusAlexanderAristotle SophoclesIliadPhilip of Macedonia SocratesRepresentative TrojanMountains and seas Delian LeagueHellenisticHerodotus ThucydidesAcropolisAristocracySalamis Direct Golden ageTragedy and comedy DemocracyPhalanxPlato TyrantPolisSolonXerxesHippocrates EuclidAristophanesMyceneanMount Olympus Pericles

3 Greece Bingo 3 MyceneanMonarchyHippocratesDirectPlato SolonPolisTragedy and comedy MinoanGolden age Delian League PhalanxXerxesThermopylaeRepresentative HellenisticOligarchySophoclesTrojanMount Olympus Philip of Macedonia AlexanderAristocracyEuclidSocrates AristotleAristophanesTyrantIliadMountains and seas SalamisAcropolisHelotThucydides Marathon DemocracyAristarchusPericlesHerodotusHomer

4 The leader of Athens during its Golden Age of Democracy

5 A form of government with a single ruler

6 Hellenistic scientist who mastered the use of levers and pulleys. He also disproved the widely held belief that the sun was smaller than Greece.

7 battle in the Persian wars where the Athenian navy defeated the Persians

8 author of the Odyssey

9 two major features of Greek geography that separated the city-states

10 members of this Greek civilization fought in the Trojan wars

11 famous Greek author of comedies

12 the battle where the Athenians defeated the Persians and sent Pheidippides the messenger running back with the good news

13 Persian king who invaded Greece

14 the Greek word for city-state

15 Hellenistic doctor who is regarded as the father of medicine; author of the Hippocratic oath

16 home of the Greek gods

17 the type of democracy we have in the U.S.

18 Macedonian leader who established an empire from Greece to India

19 Athenian reformer who outlawed debt slavery

20 Greek historian who wrote about the Peloponnesian war

21 father of Alexander the Great

22 philosopher who wrote the Republic

23 Greek military formation

24 Greek historian who wrote about the Persian Wars

25 defensive alliance of Athens that resulted in an Athenian empire

26 type of democracy in ancient Athens

27 author of the famous play Antigone

28 government rule by a small, wealthy upper class

29 type of culture that blended Greek, Egyptian, Persian and Indian cultures as a result of Alexander's empire

30 the upper part of a Greek city, which had important buildings and was used for defense

31 The Iliad is about this war

32 government rule by a hereditary upper class

33 a ruler who gains power by force

34 he was the teacher of Plato; questioned everyone to arrive at truth

35 Hellenistic mathematician who was the father of geometry

36 a period of peace, prosperity and happiness in a civilization

37 government in which the people rule

38 An individual of the ancient Spartan class of slaves

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