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Intermediate Power Point A Little Power Point about Power Point with 10 Quick Tricks (versions 2000 – 2003)

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1 Intermediate Power Point A Little Power Point about Power Point with 10 Quick Tricks (versions 2000 – 2003)

2 #1. Hyperlinks! Any object in PowerPoint can be a “hot spot” for a hyperlink. Click any of the three items below to see how to create a hyperlink from them. Text

3 Text as a Hyperlink Type the text you want to use as a “hot spot.” Highlight the text. Use CTRL-K, Insert | Hyperlink, or right-click then hyperlink. Type the URL of the hyperlink, or use the dialog box to find a document to hyperlink out to. BACK

4 Clip Art as Hyperlink Insert the ClipArt you would like to use as a hot spot. Select the ClipArt. Use CTRL-K, Insert | Hyperlink, or right-click then hyperlink. Type the URL of the hyperlink, or use the dialog box to find a document to hyperlink out to. BACK

5 Images as Hyperlinks Insert the image you would like to use as a hot spot. Select the image. Use CTRL-K, Insert | Hyperlink, or right-click then hyperlink. Type the URL of the hyperlink, or use the dialog box to find a document to hyperlink out to. BACK

6 #2. Action Buttons! Action buttons allow you to navigate to places within your Power Point. They also allow you to navigate to places on your computer. PowerPointComputer

7 Navigate in Your PowerPoint Insert | Picture | AutoShapes, use the last button on the AutoShape toolbar (action buttons). Place one of the buttons on your slide. In the pop-up, scroll to “slide” under “hyperlink to” Select the slide you want the button to link to. BACK Computer

8 Navigate around Your Computer Follow steps to insert an action button on the previous slide. previous slide Choose “Run Program” and navigate to that program on your computer. When viewing the show, the button will open a program. Hint: You can open a file instead of a program! BACK WORD

9 #3. Slide Show Set Up! Useful for making your slide show “loop.” Slide Show | Set Up Show Select the options that make sense for your presentation. “Loop Continuously until ESC means your show will complete an infinite loop until you press the Esc key on your keyboard. You can turn off animations in this set up mode as well. Experiment with Presenter View?

10 #4. Save As JPEG, GIF, etc.! You can save your PowerPoint slides as pictures. This is helpful when: You want someone to see your slides, but they don’t have PowerPoint. You want to use your slides in PhotoStory or MovieMaker File | Save As, then select GIF, JPEG or another file format in the “Save As Type” box. Answer the questions as they pop up.

11 #5. Save As Show! Most of the time we save our PowerPoints as “presentations.” These can be opened and edited by others. When you save as a “show” others can view it, but not edit it. File | Save As, then change the “Save As Type” to PowerPoint Show

12 #6. Pack and Go / Package for CD! Have you ever had music or video attached to your PowerPoint, but it doesn’t play when you move it to another computer? Have you ever had fonts not carry to another computer? In PPT 2000 use File | Pack and Go In PPT 2002 and up, use File | Package for CD

13 #7. Slide Master! Do you want to change the coloring and font for your whole document? Do you want a picture to show up on every slide? View | Master | Slide Master Make any changes you want (these will be on every slide) then click “close master view” on the master view toolbar.

14 #8. Control Toolbox! To have an interactive slide where you can type information or have a “form” to fill out… Click View | Toolbars | Control Toolbox Use the buttons on the toolbar to insert interactive items like the one below. Some of the buttons must be edited using Visual Basic Programming. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine. I think the “text box” tool is great.

15 #9. Rehearse Timings! If you’ve got a show that needs to be automated or you want it to sync with music or voice-overs, use this tool. Slide Show | Rehearse Timings You may want to record narrations or insert your music prior to using this tool. To record narrations, go to Slide Show | Record Narration

16 #10. Design Templates Online! Microsoft has TONS of free templates online that can be downloaded and used in your PowerPoints. CLICK HERE to see the templates. CLICK HERE To use the templates, download them, then choose File | Save-As, change the “save as type” to Template. The next time you open PowerPoint, this template will show up in your design templates.

17 #11. BONUS! Insert PhotoAlbum Have you ever just wanted to insert a bunch of pictures into your PowerPoint at once? Create a folder on your computer with the pictures you want to include. Insert | Picture | New Photo Album Follow the steps and find your folder on your computer. You have many choice as to the look and feel of these slides. Only possible in versions From 2002 and up.

18 Additional PowerPoint Resources Tutorials at TutorializedTutorialized PowerPoint 2003 Help at Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 PowerPoint in the Classroom PowerPoint 2000 Tutorial PowerPoint 2000 Free Templates on TemplateWiseTemplateWise

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