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The Swedish Energy Agency The energy system and the sustainable municipality programme 1 Johan Burström Programme manager.

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Presentation on theme: "The Swedish Energy Agency The energy system and the sustainable municipality programme 1 Johan Burström Programme manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Swedish Energy Agency The energy system and the sustainable municipality programme 1 Johan Burström Programme manager

2 2 The Swedish Energy Agency Organizes under the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Promote the development of Swedens energy system Implement Swedens national energy policy

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4 4 Cold Climate Large Area Hydro and Biomass Resources District Heating Large Sector of Energy Intensive Industry Large Automotive Industry for Small Country Characteristics

5 5 Local action on climate change Government subsidies for local energy efficiency The Sustainable municipality programme

6 6 Energy issues in the municipalities The municipality - the local key-actor which can achieve a sustainable energy use Responsibility for issues like Urban planning Waste management Education Owning a large amount of buildings A long-term and systematic handling of energy issues is important

7 7 Government subsidies for local energy efficiency Concerns all 290 municipalities and 20 County councils Part of a 5-year program 2010-2014, 10 million euro/year. Half-time employee/organisation One of the tools to reach the goals in The End- use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive from EU.

8 8 Aims Strategic energy efficiency in buildings and transports (especially in issues regarding procurement). Situation analysis, implementing political objectives, educating employees and follow-up of results

9 9 Requirements Implement a strategy for energy efficiency within their own organisation Work actively to implement the strategy Report results annually

10 10 Role of the Swedish energy agency Administrating applications and payments Give support and advise concerning energy efficiency, e.g. through seminars and education Follow-up of aggregated results

11 11 The Sustainable municipality programme, 2008-2011 Cooperation between the Agency and more than a fifth of the Swedish municipalities A letter of intent signed between Mayors and Director-General Gather the most interested municipalities to focus on energy and climate issues.

12 12 66 municipalities Different conditions, possibilities and aims 8 regional networks with co-ordinators

13 13 Aim of the programme The municipality will produce and politically adopt a local energy strategy. The strategy should involve citizens and companies in the municipality. Measures are carried out to achieve the objectives Help to start up projects around key-issues

14 14 Role of the Agency Arenas for networks and meetings Contribute with expertise and know-how canalised through thematic areas Urban planning Energy efficiency in buildings Transports Wind power/renewable energy Proactive crisis planning and organisation Evaluate the programme

15 15 Results and experience from the programme About 85 % of the municipalities has a energy strategy, the rest will complete their work this year Broad local implementation of the strategy is important Best practice is a key - making participants go further

16 16 Thank you for your attention! Phone: +46 16 – 544 21 04

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