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Mainstreaming Concept and Strategy

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1 Mainstreaming Concept and Strategy
Egalité hommes femmes regards sur l’Europe Narbonne March 4th, 2011

2 Outline Small History of the concept The Definition and analysis Tools
G Outline Small History of the concept The Definition and analysis Tools How it works in Belgium and Flanders

3 History Idea of GM started in UNO environment Western Countries
1995 Women’s World Conference in Beijing Picked up by Council of Europe and European Union Focus now on Council of Europe

4 Council of Europe (CoE)
G Council of Europe (CoE) Committee on Equality for Women and Men (CDEG) Working group on Mainstreaming Pioneering work Report in 1998 started an informal network on MS that meets every year in september

5 What is Mainstreaming ? Definition G
Gender Mainstreaming is the (re)organisation, improvement, development and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all policies at all levels and at all stages, by the actors normally involved in policymaking.

6 When Mainstreaming ? G Which moment in the policy process ?
Policy preparing and planning stage Policy deciding stage Policy implementing stage Policy evaluating stage

7 Mainstreaming What ? G Which policy areas ?
Most policy fields are relevant for gender mainstreaming because they directly or indirectly have an impact on the life of women and men One can start with the crucial areas of concern

8 G Mainstreaming Where ? Which policy levels ? All levels

9 G Mainstreaming Who ? The actors usually involved in policy making process

10 Mainstreaming Why ? One tool – next to others Transversal strategy
Systematic Preventive Complementary to EOP

11 Prerequisties for Mainstreaming
Political will Specific gender equality policy Statistics Comprehensive knowledge of gender relations Knowledge of the administration Necessary funds and Human Resources Participation of both sexes in decision-making processes

12 Tools for Mainstreaming
Gender Budgeting Gender Impact Analysis Research Legislation Statistics and indicators

13 Belgium and Flanders Flanders started in 1995
Tool: interdepartmental Commission Belgium: law on gender mainstreaming January 12th 2007 Flanders: Open Coordination Method Flanders: decree on anti-discrimination July 10th 2008

14 MS Successful Strategy ?
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