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MU.COM. PROJECT GENERAL PRESENTATION Marco Merlini, Project Coordinator Start-up Meeting Rome, 3-4 February 2011.

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2 MU.COM. PROJECT GENERAL PRESENTATION Marco Merlini, Project Coordinator Start-up Meeting Rome, 3-4 February 2011

3 Rationale for the Project Museum Communicator is a professional figure whos role is becoming strategic both inside the Museums and the cultural associations managing museums. It is up to that figure to take care of: the success of the impact, on the public, of the initiatives proposed by a Museum and the effectiveness in creating networks among the actors and the local resources.

4 Rationale for the Project Although pivotal, the Communication Expert is not always available in museums, in particular in case of institutions of modest dimensions. On the contrary, the giant national museums have often an Information and Communication Department. This evidence leads to highlight the necessity to create specific competences related to this particular professional role, and the consequent need of specific training methodologies and tools in order to give to Museum staff as well as museology students the skills needed for a good communication.

5 Project objectives The Project will develop a course that will allow users to acquire high-level standard competences and internationally recognised, pointing out strategies and effective techniques for communicating with: the large audience, the mass media and the network of territorial actors. The course should be conceived as a training low-cost product that we can offer (sell?) to universities and cultural institutions of our countries. Throughout the next two years, it will allow users to acquire high-level competences in the frame of the Project partnership in form of a sperimentation and testing of a training package that should find its market.

6 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE 1 – CONSORTIUM MANAGEMENT Start month 10/2010, end month 09/2012 Key-products 1. PROJECT INTERMEDIATE REPORT (To be submitted within the 30 th of November 2011) Partners concerned: CIDEM 2. PROJECT FINAL REPORT (24 th month) (To be submitted within the 30 th of September 2012) Partners concerned: CIDEM 3. INTRANET + RESTRICTED AREA ON THE PROJECT WEB SITE (3 rd month) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

7 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE 2 - Analysis of the integrative needs and adaptation of the reference Model: Curriculum for Museum Communicator Start month 10/2010, end month 12/2010 WE ARE 2 MONTHS LATE…………… Key products 1. Reference Model (Starting Model) – already done 2. SWOT SYNTHESIS REPORT (EN, Website) – already done Partners concerned: CIDEM, EURO INNOVANET 3. PROJECT WEB SITE, PUBLIC AREA (3 rd month) – already done Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

8 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE 3 - ANALYSIS AND ENHANCHEMENT OF THE F- MU.S.EU.M. MODEL Start month 01/2011, end month 05/2011 Key products 1. DESK ANALYSIS COMPARATIVE REPORT (IT/EN, on Website - 7 th month, 04/2011). Input of data by all the Partners Focus on: the European experiences on the Museum Communicator, distinctive competences of the Museum Communicator, training needs, first elements of the Curriculum, Learning, experimentation and transfer actions to be implemented Partners concerned: CIDEM, Universitatea Lucian Blaga 2.a PEER REVIEW NATIONAL WORKSHOPS on the basis of the results of the DESK ANALYSIS COMPARED REPORT, managed by the national partners, translated from the national languages into English 2.b REPORT ON COMPARED ANALYSIS BASED ON THE PEER REVIEW (IT/EN. Website - 7 th month, 04/2011) on the basis of national reports coming from the Peer Review meetings. Partners concerned: CIDEM, Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

9 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE 3 - ANALYSIS AND ENHANCHEMENT OF THE F-MU.S.EU.M. MODEL 3. Multilingual Brochure Presenting The Project EN/IT/BG/RO Partners concerned: CIDEM 4. Digital Newsletter n. 1. EN/IT Website (3 rd month; 12/2010). Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 5. Digital Newsletter n. 2. EN/IT Website (6 th month; 03/2011). Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

10 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 4 – BUILDING A PROFESSIONAL STANDARD FOR MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR Start month 06/2011, end month 08/2011 Key products 1. SCHEMES DESCRIBING THE COMPETENCE AREAS FOR THE MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR (EN/IT/BG/RO website) (10 th month; 07/2011) Partners concerned: CIDEM, Universitatea Lucian Blaga, OAKE Europe 2. Digital Newsletter n. 3. EN/IT Website. (9 th month; 06/2011) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

11 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 5 – ADAPTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRAINING COURSE FOR MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR Start month 09/2011, end month 12/2011 Key products 1. PROJECT INTERMEDIATE REPORT. IT (14 th month; 11/2011) Partners concerned: CIDEM 2. TRAINING CURRICULUM IN SELF-LEARNING FOR MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR (DRAFT VERSION) (EN/IT/BG/RO website) (14 th month; 11/2011) Partners concerned CIDEM, Universitatea Lucian Blaga

12 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 5 – ADAPTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRAINING COURSE FOR MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR Start month 09/2011, end month 12/2011 Key products 3. WEB-BASED PLATFORM SUPPORTING THE TRANSFER ACTIVITY (EN/IT/BG/RO website) (14 th month; 11/2011) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 4. Digital Newsletter n. 4. EN/IT Website. (12 th month; 09/2011) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 5. Digital Newsletter n. 5. EN/IT Website. (15 th month; 12/2011) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

13 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 6 – TRASFER AND FINAL ADAPTATION Start month 01/2012, end month 06/2012 Focus on actions: 1.Course adaptation and development on web-based platform 2. Transfer activity: It will be realised at not less than 2/3 Organisms in each National context, representatives of the main project target groups (Museums and Universities) and will be addressed to a whole number of about 78 beneficiaries articulated as follows: 12 Museum operators in Italy, Romania and Bulgaria (tot. 36); 14 Museum operators and students in the United Kingdom (tot. 14); 14 university students in Italy and Romania (tot 28)

14 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 6 – TRASFER AND FINAL ADAPTATION Start month 01/2012, end month 06/2012 Key Products 1. EVALUATION SYNTHESIS REPORT (EN/IT website) (19 th month; 04/2012 EURO INNOVANET 2. FINAL VERSION OF THE TRAINING CURRICULUM (EN/IT/BG/RO website) (19 th month; 04/2012) UNIVERSITY OF ROME, Universitatea Lucian Blaga 3. FINAL VERSION OF THE WEB-BASED PLATFORM SUPPORTING THE TRANSFER ACTION (EN/IT/BG/RO website) (19 th month; 04/2012) EURO INNOVANET, for translations: Regional History Museum Academician Jordan Ivanov, Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal

15 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 6 – TRASFER AND FINAL ADAPTATION Start month 01/2012, end month 06/2012 4. Digital Newsletter n. 6. EN/IT Website. (18 th month 03/2012). Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 5. Digital Newsletter n. 7. EN/IT Website. ( 21 st month 06/2012). Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 6. Monitoring report n. 2 (16 th month; 01/2012) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 7. Updating of 2 Mailing lists Partners concerned: CIDEM, ALL THE PARTNERS

16 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 7 - LABORATORIES: PLANNING THE PROJECT WORKS Start month 07/2012, end month 09/2012 Key products 1. N. 2 PROJECT WORKS (IT/RO Website) (23 rd month; 08/2012) Partners concerned: Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, CIDEM, EURO INNOVANET, Provincia di Ragusa, Muzeul Naţional Brukenthal, EURO INNOVANET (as coordinator) 2. FINAL PROJECT REPORT. IT Website (24 th month; 09/2012) Partners concerned: CIDEM 3. Digital Newsletter n. 8. EN/IT Website. (24 th month 09/2012). Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

17 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 7 - LABORATORIES: PLANNING THE PROJECT WORKS Start month 07/2012, end month 09/2012 Key products 4. BOOK ON TRAINING CURRICULUM FOR MUSEUM COMMUNICATOR EN/IT/BG/RO on paper, 2000 copies + Website (24 th month; 09/2012). Partners concerned: CIDEM 5. Evaluation of the experience made through questionnaire. Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET 6. Monitoring report n.3 (22 nd month; 07/2012) Partners concerned: EURO INNOVANET

18 Project workplan WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 8 – MONITORING AND PROJECT INTERNAL EVALUATION Start month 10/2010, end month 09/2012 Actions developed all the project long, such as monitoring reports n. 1,2,3, already included in the preceding WPs..

19 Project dissemination plan WHY DISSEMINATION? Dissemination actions will be aimed at guaranteeing that the process, the results and the products are entirely visible and available for the target groups and for a wider number of final indirect addressees The Project dissemination will contribute to the creation of a European Network on the Communication within Museums and on the role of Museum Communicator diffusing and valorising the project results near a more and more wide number of potential beneficiaries and Institutional actors.

20 Project dissemination plan DISSEMINATION: ACTIONS AND PRODUCTS 1. Project Web-site, in Italian and English, aimed at informing a great number of beneficiaries about the project activities, making the produced and validated materials available 2. Multilingual Brochure presenting the project (3 rd month) 4. Digital Newsletter (8 thematic numbers) 5. Mailing lists 6. N. 4 dissemination Seminars (IT, BG, RO, UK) with the local stakeholders

21 Project dissemination plan DISSEMINATION: ACTIONS AND PRODUCTS 7. Organisation of n. 2 parallel, promotional events, in Italy and Romania 8. International final Conference in Rome 9. Articles on the specialised press like the Tourism Sciences Review (University of Rome) and Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis (University of Sibiu) 10. Book on Training Curriculum for Museum Communicator (2000 copies, on paper).


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