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Project Management and overview 1 Project Management- Project Manager Skills Ghazala Amin Lecture #8.

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1 Project Management and overview 1 Project Management- Project Manager Skills Ghazala Amin Lecture #8

2 Project Management and overview 2 Project Management- Project Manager Types Reference: If you're going to be a project manager, be a proactive one by Tom Mochal | Nov 15, 2005

3 Project Management and overview 3 Project Managers Skills Communication Organizational Team building Leadership Coping Technological

4 Project Management and overview 4 Strategist Visionary Recruiter Negotiator Decision-MakerIntegratorInfluencor Mentor Coach Counsellor Diplomat Conflict Manager ExpeditorDesigner The Many Hats of a Project Manager

5 Project Management and overview 5 What kind of Project Manager are you? There are three types of project managers; Accidental Project Manager, Good Project Manager, and Proactive Project Manager.

6 Project Management and overview 6 Accidental Project Manager –Usually, this project manager comes up through the ranks. –For instance, a strong programmer becomes the project manager on a development project. –Or a strong network technician becomes the project manager on a large network upgrade. –These people understand the types of projects that they are managing, they can build a work plan, and they can assign work to other team members. –However, they don't have a lot of project management discipline.

7 Project Management and overview 7 Good Project Manager –The second type of project manager understands that successful project management requires you to manage issues, scope, communication, risk, etc.

8 Project Management and overview 8 Proactive Project Manager –the third type, is someone who has made the mental transition to apply his or her discipline on a proactive and ongoing basis.

9 Project Management and overview 9 Good PM vs Proactive PM A good project manager completes the initial Project Definition (charter) because it's required by the organization. A proactive project manager understands that the project must be defined ahead of time, and if it isn't, the team won't have a clear picture of the work that must be done. A good project manager creates a monthly status report for sponsors and managers. A proactive project manager completes this same status report, but also understands that a status report is the minimum requirement for communicating. A proactive project manager manages communication in the context of an overall Communications Plan. This allows the project manager to proactively determine and fulfill the various communication needs of the project stakeholders.

10 Project Management and overview 10 Good PM vs Proactive PM A good project manager identifies risk at the beginning of the project. A proactive project manager identifies risk at the beginning of the project and then manages and monitors risk throughout the project. A good project manager figures out how to resolve issues as they occur. A proactive project manager has an issues management process in place to deal proactively with all major problems when they occur. A good project manager builds a quality solution because of pride and knowing it is the right thing to do. A proactive project manager determines the client's expectations for quality and puts a plan in place to meet that level of quality.

11 Project Management and overview 11 Good PM vs Proactive PM Do you see the difference? The merely "good" project manager understands the basic responsibilities of a project manager. The very good, proactive project manager has internalized these project management responsibilities and makes them a normal part of the project work. Proactive project managers don't perform these duties just because they're required. They perform the responsibilities because they understand that these project management processes give them a much better chance for success.

12 Project Communication


14 Project Management and overview 14 Project Manager :a coach and mentor The project manager’s leadership style should be matched to the developmental level of the project team and should move through successive steps of: Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating

15 Project Management and overview 15 Project Manager Project Manager not only leads and manages the project but helps the team with attaining SMART objectives for the project and the team. S:Specific M:Measurable A:Attainable R:Realistic T:Time bound

16 Project Management and overview 16 COMMUNICATION Communicate, Communicate and Record Identify root causes of problems Critical Path Analysis Earned Value Project Reviews Identify significant variances Project Meetings Identify significant trends Resource Analysis Trial Solutions Reports Performance Tests Results

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