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Agri-Hub Ethiopia and ICCO David Kamukama APF Network Meeting 13 December 2012, Addis.

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Presentation on theme: "Agri-Hub Ethiopia and ICCO David Kamukama APF Network Meeting 13 December 2012, Addis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agri-Hub Ethiopia and ICCO David Kamukama APF Network Meeting 13 December 2012, Addis

2 Structure 1.Background 1.Presentations –Roadmap –Fund Proposal ICCO –MoU ICCO Agri-ProFocus 3. Q&A + Discussion

3 Roadmap to FSFE Fund 2011: continued policy dialogue RNE 2012: Feb Concept Note discussed RNE Mar/AprDrafting Proposal (Consultant) AprConsultation within network (peers, RNE, steer com, Dutch members) 1 Mayfinal draft + MoU ready. SeptDecision making RNE 2013: January; Fund Manager in Place at F&S (Roll out).

4 Fund Proposal : Stakeholders 1.RNE likes a flexible fund to improve linking Dutch-Ethio initiatives. 2.APF as broker (talks, coordination/mobilization, buy-in) 3.ICCO lead support AHE and is certified Fund Manager. 4.KIT is the knowledge facilitator of AHE. 5.F&S will host the ICCO Fund Manager 6.AHE platform of Dutch-Ethiopian actors (benefits, governance)

5 Logical Framework 1.Overall objective: increased Food Security and Farmers Entrepreneurship 2.Project purpose: Sustainable market based innovations in agricultural production and value chains. 3.Process objectives: a.Complement RNE efforts via GoE programs b.Shorten decision making and enhance role of Ethiopians in it. c.Strengthen Agri-Hub as clearing house for Ethio-Dutch agric. dev. actors and initiatives d.Enhanced synergy and learning among actors at sub-national level e.Pro-poor/ gender and environmental sensitive

6 Products So the program will contribute to better food security and increased income, investments and jobs (basis of the OVI). This will be done via: An Innovation Fund providing Innovation Grants of € 75.000 - € 150.000 to PO, BDS, NGOs, MFIs, Research Centers that support small farmers/ SMEs. The organizations apply for the grant and administor it A Matching Grant Fund offering Matching Grants of up to 20.000 € to PO’s or SME’s for one-time off investments. PO’s or SMEs apply; they can be assisted by a BDS/NGO.

7 Type of activities Eligible activities cover a range of activities: on farm testing of new production technologies assist input suppliers with setting up a dealer network scaling up new ways of value chain cooperation; e.g. new value chain financing mechanisms or new quality standards try out a new out-growers scheme, or disseminate a successful out-growers scheme assisting cooperatives in accessing new markets Criteria to assess proposals cover: Transparency, innovativeness, efficiency, sustainability, etc. which translate into the key-questions: Is there a fair balance between those who contribute and those who gain? Is the outcome pro-poor, gender balanced and environmentally sound?

8 Functioning FSRE Fund Main steps in the IF : 1.Decide on focus – theme or VCs / announce Call for Proposals 2.Applicants submit Concept Notes 3.Fund Committees of 3 independent experts scores Concept Notes (on innovative ideas) 4.Best applicants are screened 5.Best applicants submit full proposal 6.Fund Committee scores (on feasibility) 7.Contract/ monitoring/ reporting

9 Functioning Matching Grants Fund Main steps in the MG-Fund : 1.Theme follows Call for Proposals 6 months 2.Applicants submit proposal 3.Fund Management Office scores them 4.Best applicants are visited for check up 5.Final scores approved by Board 6.Contract/ monitoring/ reporting

10 Learning Agenda Agri-Hub Ethiopia is responsible for Sharing and Learning. Implementation is by APF/Agri-Hub  visit grant winners to collect Lessons Learned  Technical, financing, markets etc.  Approach towards project implementation  Impact of activities  analyse Lessons Learned and do some in-depth probing/ studies.  Journalists will be hired to write (success) stories  organise Learning Events with all APF-members and all winners (Dare to Share Fair / Write-Shops etc.)  These events can lead to publications and new Calls for Proposals

11 Role Fund Management Office Task and responsibilities of Fund Manager: Secretary of Governing Board Represent the Fund towards third parties Manage the Fund Management Office. Staff Recruitment (if required) with approval. Tasks / responsibilities Fund manager Office:  Organise selection process of applicants  Sign contracts with selected winners  Monitoring the progress  Report on the results/impact

12 Governance ICCO and Agri-Hub 1.ICCO submitted application on behalf of Agri-Hub and signed contract. ICCO will employ Fund Manager accountable to ICCO in legal and administrative terms. 2.At policy and strategy levels, ICCO shares its’ mandate to a Fund Governing Board 3.ICCO invites board members: ICCO (1), APF (1), AHE- members (1 Dutch /1 Ethiopian), MoA (1) and RNE programs (2) (Min. 50% Ethiopian; gender balance; entrepreneurship). They get financial compensation. 4.Tasks and responsibilities of Governing Board : Define and adjust the overall policies and strategies Define the themes for the Call for Proposals Ensure links with other programs /activities of RNE /APF members Oversee the Compliance of the policies/ strategies by FM

13 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF 2 AHE MEMBERS Member (active) in AHE Involved in implementation of related Program/project Local Presence in Ethiopia (office) Commitment to serve (Mtg attendance, documentation, consultations, assignments) No conflict of interest (or declare interest). Strong Connection/network with Ditch funding agencies Should have been in Ethiopia for at 3 years (minimum).

14 Agri-Hub network FSRE fund ICCO Fund managmt Steering committee/ Coord Triangle Members, Ethiopian partners Organised farmers, other stakeholders Network of professionals …………..// AgriHub coord Governa nceBoard EKN Addis ICCO €-Birr MoU

15 Budget Framework Budget for 5 Years: 20122013201420152016Total ICCO overhead 2550657550265 Fund Management Office 100218 125879 Innovation Fund 09781,1781,60303,759 Matching Grants 01504005002381,288 Learning 0104 52364 Review/ evaluation 00350 70 Total 1251,5002,0002,5005006,625

16 ICCO/APF Framework - Highlights ICCO and APF/AHE endorsed partnership framework (MoU). Differentiation of roles (Fund Management Vs Learning) Scope of coverage (themes and geographical outreach) Communication structure

17 Agri-Hub Ethiopia

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