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The Science Of Customer Experience – The Big Data Opportunity 4 th Enhancing Customer Experience, Loyalty & Retention in Telecom 4 th to 5 th August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science Of Customer Experience – The Big Data Opportunity 4 th Enhancing Customer Experience, Loyalty & Retention in Telecom 4 th to 5 th August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science Of Customer Experience – The Big Data Opportunity 4 th Enhancing Customer Experience, Loyalty & Retention in Telecom 4 th to 5 th August 2014 Johannesburg, South Africa

2 Customer is King…..

3 Science of Customer Experience Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods and / or services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier. This can include awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy (wikipedia) Science (from Latin scientia, meaning ‘knowledge’) is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe (wikipedia) Big Data + Customer Insight is therefore the ‘science’ required as the basis for any Customer Experience Strategy

4 The Telco Customer Experience Challenge Shifting business emphasis to identifying, acquiring & retaining profitabe customers with a longer tenure Moving from a focus on products and become more customer centric

5 Four Pillars of a Customer Centric Telco: Select, Acquire, Retain, Grow

6 Using Advanced Customer Data Analytics to Create a Customer Centric Business MUST acquire an accurate & comprehensive understanding of each element of the Customer Value Chain Insights produced by ACDA provide accurate, actionable answers to the key questions that arise from the shift

7 Achieving Big Data Insights through Advanced Customer Data Analytics (ACDA) Maximise revenue Determine optimal revenue opportunities Adjust service levels Improve results of marketing campaigns Product positioning based on actual purchasing patterns Devise more effective cross selling & upselling strategies Adapt incentves & products according to changes in behaviour and usage in customers Life Stage Develop predictive early warning mechanisms to reduce churn and determine cost of churn Determine lifetime value of every customer

8 Gatorade: Mission Control…..

9 In Closing….. Big Data provides the perfect platform to provide telcos with the foundation for any Customer Experience Management Strategy Big Data without insight is still Big Data Science of CEX is all about the insight

10 Customer is a human being after all…

11 Questions ? Contact details: – Megan Ashman – – Cell: +27832225006 –

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