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Ms. McNaught-Symmes Training in Gifted Education (specialist) from OECTA, York University as well as other professional institutions Experience teaching.

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2 Ms. McNaught-Symmes Training in Gifted Education (specialist) from OECTA, York University as well as other professional institutions Experience teaching grade 6 P.A.C.E. (last 5 years) as well as grade 5 P.A.C.E.

3 The Gr. 6 Program may include elements of the following: *creative problem solving *critical higher level thinking skills (eg. “How might…?”) *decision making strategies *advanced content, skills and concepts *traditional and non-traditional research skills *interdisciplinary units of study

4 Follow the Nelson Mathematics Program Must be assured that students understand the regular gr. 6 curriculum before we move on with enrichment As P.A.C.E. teachers, cannot go beyond grade level, however, can introduce “different work”. Enrichment tasks are developed by the teacher. Some tasks are specified in the “enrichment” section of the Nelson Program. Students will be assessed on grade level expectations Enrichment in Mathematics can include learning new information (eg. Narcassistic Numbers) or unique culminating tasks (eg. developing WebQuests)

5 ‘Our program is different because of the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Encourage higher level thinking when learning about various reading comprehension strategies. This year we will use modelled, shared, and guided reading as well as read alouds and literature circles. Critical analysis, inferencing, synthesizing Encourage students to read a variety of texts at home and not just novels

6 Writing Follow the Pre AP Program for Writing Why Junior Students Write: -communicate with others for a variety of specific purposes -Record and retain information -Express thoughts, ideas and feelings -Respond to material they have read -Identify and solve problems -Reflect on their own learning Types of Writing in Gr. 6 P.A.C.E. -Letter- Report -Feature article- Review -Narrative- Expository -Persuasive text- Short story -Poetry- Summary -Procedural - Recount We encourage students to fully develop their ideas and to elaborate by adding detail to their writing!!

7 Space and Astronomy Diversity of Living Things Electricity Flight

8 Aboriginal Peoples Early Canadian Explorers Canada and Its Trading Partners

9 Technology Powerpoint/Prezi Claymation Digital Comic Books Videos Math Trek Wiki ( & http://gr6pace.wikispaces.com Blogging Glogging Nelson online activities WebQuests Developing Websites SmartBoard and Promethean Board Soundscapes Podcasts/Voicethread

10 Communication with parents May send any questions/concerns via a note in the agenda (respond to daily) May call school (905) 474 –0284. Wikis ( & ) http:// Send home progress reports with respect to learning skills and academic achievement each term. All major assessment tools sent home to be signed in FRIDAY FOLDER. Students will record their effort and achievement. Please return the following Monday.


12 Homework is used for reinforcement of skills taught during the day The YCDB policy is approx. 60-70 minutes per night. Some students may have more or less depending on how much able to accomplish in class and ability. Consequences for incomplete homework – note to inform parents, call home, meeting, administrator intervention If know homework is late – must have a note signed from parents for legitimate reason

13 Late, Incomplete, and Missed Assignments Two-day window of opportunity placeholder of “0” for missed assignments 5% mark deduction each day (excluding weekends) A closure date will be established at which point assignments will not be accepted  encourage a culture of responsibility Reflected in the learning skills and work habit section of the report card May also result in insufficient evidence for evaluation York Catholic District School Board Assessment and Evaluation Procedures, 2011

14 “I” = insufficient evidence is available to determine a grade. May be used because –Student enrolled in school very recently –Issues or extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control “R” = indicates need for extensive remediation, in the absence of an IEP, program modifications, or other remedial programs –Achievement level is below Level 1 Use of “I” and “R” York Catholic District School Board Assessment and Evaluation Procedures, 2011

15 Reporting Student Achievement Grades 1 to 6 student achievement of the overall curriculum expectations will be evaluated in accordance with the achievement charts in the provincial curriculum and reported using letter grades. The following conversion chart shows the levels of achievement aligned to letter grades. York Catholic District School Board Assessment and Evaluation Procedures, 2011

16 York Catholic District School Board Assessment and Evaluation Procedures, 2011

17 Trips/Activities Astrology Presentation Scientist in the School ( Electricity ) Aboriginal presentation Urban Quest Dance program Toronto Marlies anti-bullying trip Living Arts Centre ( October ) Ski Trip Movie trip or theatre performance? Camp Muskoka (details will be sent home with your child)

18 Education Quality and Accountability Office issues a standardized assessment that measures the achievement of students across Ontario in reading, writing and math Written at the end of May or early June Reading – 4 short selections and one long reading selection followed by MC and open response Writing – MC, one long response (2 pages) and two short responses (1 page) Math – MC and open response that cover all five strands of math


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