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Year 4 Curriculum Meeting Summer term 2015. Numeracy Times Table Challenge 2 minute Rapid Recall Maths map Place Value Calculation Using and Applying.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 Curriculum Meeting Summer term 2015. Numeracy Times Table Challenge 2 minute Rapid Recall Maths map Place Value Calculation Using and Applying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 Curriculum Meeting Summer term 2015

2 Numeracy Times Table Challenge 2 minute Rapid Recall Maths map Place Value Calculation Using and Applying Number Geometry Problem solving/topic maths Areas are revisited 3 times throughout the year.

3 Literacy Information Texts Persuasive Texts Poetry – Exploring form Stories with Dilemmas Grammar, Spellings, Handwriting

4 Science All living things Sort living things into plants & animals Justify criteria for grouping Observation and recording skills used when becoming a Scientist. Look at local habitats and see how they change throughout the year.  that changes occur when some solids are added to liquids;  that some solids dissolve in water to form solutions, and that although they cannot be seen, they are still there;  to predict whether or not dissolved solids can be separated from the liquid by filtering, and to test their prediction, choosing suitable apparatus.

5 Design Technology Design and make a Chinese dragon with a hinged jaw and body Design a Chinese meal

6 PE Swimming –All long hair tied back – boys and girls –Swimming shorts to be ABOVE the knee –Need to be more independent Outdoor PE –Striking and Fielding –Athletics Skills based lesson

7 French Numbers 11-20 Animals Birthday (days/months) All about Me – Parts of the Body

8 R.E Teaching and Authority (Key religious figures-Christianity) Explore who Jesus was and why is he a role model to Christians. Identify key events in the life of Jesus. What does temptation mean? The calling of the Disciples-issues of trust. Using The Bible to investigate who the Disciples were. Explore parables e.g. The Good Samaritan, learning from stories, can it be relevant today? Retell a story from The Bible. To reflect on sources of inspiration in their lives and the lives of others.

9 Atlas Skills Developing knowledge of China. Developing knowledge of Seas and Oceans. What are the main features. Using mapping skills.

10 Art Examine and design a Chinese pattern from textiles. Create an animal vessel from clay (sculpture).

11 PSHCE 4G Safety Contexts 4H Personal Safety 4I Dealing with Bullying 4J Helping and Getting Help

12 Music Music Express – Around the World, focus on pitch, subject link Geography. Pentatonic melodies and rhythms.

13 ICT We are co-authors Use search technologies effectively Evaluate digital content Identify general types of organisations by their web site address

14 An in depth study of the achievements of the Shang Dynasty including Ancient China Where was the Shang province? Who were the people of the Shang Dynasty? How long ago did they live? Were their lives similar to ours? How do we know? What survives today, do we use it ?

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