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Orden Del Día  1. DO NOW:Fill in the blank Map of Mexico and Central America with Capital Stars/Spelling Test  2. Homework: Turn in then review Acts.

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Presentation on theme: "Orden Del Día  1. DO NOW:Fill in the blank Map of Mexico and Central America with Capital Stars/Spelling Test  2. Homework: Turn in then review Acts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orden Del Día  1. DO NOW:Fill in the blank Map of Mexico and Central America with Capital Stars/Spelling Test  2. Homework: Turn in then review Acts 2-3 pg 11  3. Lecture: Mexico: rica/mexico/mxland.htm  4. Worksheet: Memorable Mexicans/Holidays  5. Reflect Now: Name the rivers, mountain ranges, peninsulas, plateaus, oceans and gulfs associated with Mexico.

2 Take out a separate sheet of paper. You will turn in this Do Now. Spelling Test: Number 1-5 twice. The first 1-5 Spell out the following words: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, and viernes. The second 1-5 will be an oral exam. Write out the words or letters that you hear.

3 Sp II/II Do Now Tell whether the statements are statements of obligation. Sí/No

4 Review  Nouns  All are either masculine or feminine  Articles  Definite articles el, los, la, and las  the  Singular/Plural  Just add an S if it ends in a vowel  Just add an ES if it ends in a consenent  If it ends in a z, change the z to a c then add ES

5 Mountains/Canyon  The Sierra Madre Occidental range runs north to south, from the Sonora-Arizona border southeast through to Guanajuato, where it joins the Sierra Madre del Sur and the Transverse Volcanic Axis of central Mexico.  These steep mountains are cut through with canyons, including Copper Canyon, the deepest in North America. The highest point is Cerro Mohinora at 10,662 ft (3,250 m)  Sierra Madre Oriential range runs from northern Mexico to the Ciudad de Victoria. It is the eastern boarder of the Plateau de Mexico.  Sierra Madre del Sur is a mountain range in southern Mexico, extending to eastern Oaxaca.

6 Coastal Plains  The Llanura Costera del Gulfo (Gulf Coastal Plain) lies to the east of the Sierra Madre Occidental range fronting the Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean coastlines are wider and rise gently into the interior.  Llanura Costera del Pacifico is a very narrow Coastal Plain along the Pacific Ocean coastline rises quickly into the foothills of the mountains.

7 Oceans/Seas/Gulfs  Golfo de Mexico  Golfo de California  Golfo de Tehuantepec  Bahía de Campeche  Océano Pacífico  Océano Atlántico  Mar caribe

8 Plateau The Meseta de Mexico Central consumes much of northern and central Mexico. It extends from the border with the USA on the north to the Cordillera Neovolcanica in the south, with the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range on the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental on the east.

9 Volcano A long line of ancient volcanoes (many still active) extends from the Pacific Ocean (north of Guadalajara) on eastward to the Gulf of Mexico, just to the south of Veracruz. Pico de Orizaba Volcano, the third highest mountain in North America.

10 Peninsulas  The mountainous Península de Baja California extends about 750 miles south from the U.S. border. Mexico's limestone Península de Yucatán is tree- covered, with thick tropical jungles along its borders with Central America countries.  The Península de Yucatán separates the Golfo de Mexico from the Mar caribe. It is east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which is a geographic partition separating Central America from the rest of North America.

11 Rivers/Lakes  Mexico has nearly 150 rivers; most are small, unnavigable, and 70% drain into the Pacific Ocean. Two of the large rivers are the Balsas and Conchos.  The Rio Grande, rising in the San Juan Mountains of the U.S. State of Colorado, flows south to the Gulfo de Mexico and forms much of Mexico's northern border with the United States.  The two largest lakes in the country of Mexico are Lago de Chapala and Lago de Cuitzeo.

12 Reflect Now: Vocabulary Recall  Name as many landforms associated with Mexico as you can with the time remaining. Here is a list: rivers, mountain ranges, volcanos, peninsulas, plateaus, lakes, oceans, seas, and gulfs associated with Mexico.

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