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POWER INTERREGIONAL PROGRAMME SEPT 2008 – MARCH 2013 POWER Management Kathy Vuillaume, European Programme Manager 12 March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER INTERREGIONAL PROGRAMME SEPT 2008 – MARCH 2013 POWER Management Kathy Vuillaume, European Programme Manager 12 March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER INTERREGIONAL PROGRAMME SEPT 2008 – MARCH 2013 POWER Management Kathy Vuillaume, European Programme Manager 12 March 2009

2 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE International Steering Committee POWER Secretariat & Network of Regional Correspondants Policy Group: Renewable Energy & Energy efficiency Policy Group: Sustainable Transport Policy Group: Sustainable Transport Policy Group: Eco-innovation & Environ Tech Policy Group: Eco-innovation & Environ Tech Policy Group: Behaviour Change Policy Group: Behaviour Change Policy Group: Mainstreaming EU funds Policy Group: Mainstreaming EU funds Scoring & Evaluation Panel Sub-project Themes

3 WHO IS ELIGIBLE ? Public bodies Bodies governed by public laws a)No industrial or commercial character b)Legal personality c)- The most part financed by the State, regional or local authorities or other bodies governed by public laws or - Management supervision of these bodies or - Administrative, managerial or supervisory board more than half of whose members are appointed by these bodies

4 Minimum of three partner regions Should demonstrate expertise in the subject tackled in the specs & with high policy impact. Balanced participation of partners (but also reflecting the different cost of living) Online partner search tool accessed via the website Partnership development

5 Activities & outputs Relevant to theme priorities & chosen specifications SMART, measurable & achievable in the period Link to POWER policy working groups (policies adopted, participants at events, good practices transferred etc.) Required to be planned and reported every six months period

6 Preparing your Budget Budget HeadlinesDetails Staff costs For the personnel employed by the institutions/organisations listed in the application form working on the POWER Project Administration costs For the personnel employed by the institutions/organisations listed in the application form & admin cost related only to the implementation of the POWER project Travel and accommodation Travel & accommodation incurred by the staff by the institutions/organisations listed in the application form working on the POWER project Equipment Small equipment (e.g computer, phone etc.) for the personnel employed by the institutions/organisations listed in the application form working on the POWER project External expertises & services External expertises & services related to project implementation. Note: travel and accommodation from institutions/organisations non-listed in the application form should be listed in this category.

7 Shared cost Allowed Should check in advance with the appointed regional controllers of each partner concerned (who will certify this cost) Recommend to limit the shared costs to the costs falling within the scope of the budget line external expertise and services (which can be more easily reported in a transparent way). Shared cost

8 Preparation costs for the first call, of up to a maximum of Euros 2,500 per project, incurred from 25 February 2009 until 12 May 2009 (inclusive) will be eligible if included with the first claim. (These may for example, be travel expenses to attend the launch or meeting costs to form the partnership). Preparation costs

9 Closing date of the first call is: Tuesday 12 May 2009 at 4p.m. UK time. Application form to be submitted electronically with match-funding certificates at An unbound hard copy with an original wet ink signature (proof of sending is postal stamp, courier receipt or equivalent) Submitting your application form

10 Evaluation Process Eligibility Check Qualitative assessment: 6 criteria 1. Relevance to POWER Interregional Programmes aims 2. Coherence of the project and quality of approach 3. Budget and finance 4. Cross Cutting Themes 5. Communication and dissemination 6. Legacy International Steering Committee Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

11 Contractual & Legal Framework Grant letter of agreement between Regional Authority and Project Partners Contract between POWER Secretariat and Lead Partner (in English & governed by English Law) Partnership Agreements between project partners LEGAL FRAMEWORK

12 Audited reports every 6 months Interreg JTS Payments in arrears every 6 months Lead Partner POWER Secretariat Regional /National Authority SEEDA Malopolska Provincie Noord-Brabant Emilia Romagna Andalucia Stockholm Tallin Project Leader Project Partner Claims & payments

13 6 monthly reporting on-line using a secure area on the POWER web site- Support available with the international network of Regional Correspondents Payment in arrears through regional authorities after acceptance of the claim Face-to-face monitoring visits Reporting & monitoring

14 Key dates 11 & 12 Mar 2009Launch event & opening of the first call for sub-projects (Netherlands) 12 May 2009Closing Date for first call sub-projects (1) June 2009Appraisal of first call sub-projects (1) – International steering committee 7 & 8 July 09Lead Partner Info Day/ Contract negotiations- Guildford 15 Oct 2009Launch of Second Call for sub-projects (2) (Spain) 25 Nov 09Policy Event in Stockholm, aligned with EU Swedish Presidency 15 Dec 2009Closing Date for second call sub-projects (2) Jan 2010Appraisal of second call sub-projects (2)- International steering committee Sept 2011Programme Closure Event in Brussels, Oct 2011 Sub-projects (1) & (2) final expenditure. March 2012POWER Programme End Date

15 POWER Secretariat & Regional Contact Points For South East England: POWER Secretariat, Kathy Vuillaume, Janet Borgers, Pascale Waschnig, Cassandra Bos E: For Noord-Brabant: Rob de Groot, E: For Andalucia: Marisa Marcos, E: For Emilia-Romagna: Paolo Cagnoli, E: For Malopolska: Agata Wesołowska, E: For Tallin: Raivo Kiis, E: For Stockholm: Fernando Alonso, E:

16 GROW Relemcom Project RAMEA Project Some Tips from Sub-projects Leaders…

17 Thank you for your attention & any questions?

18 Communication, Exchange and dissemination of good practices

19 General Principles Increase transparency and awareness of EU funds Let the public know that EU money is being well spent Helping others to benefit from your activities, good practices and results achieved Ensure maximum benefit by multiplying the effects of EU funding Creating awareness of project activities and results Why is what you are doing important?

20 INTERREG IVC aims to influence policy share good practice

21 Publication & dissemination of e-brochures/ e-newsletters and press releases (target 90% paperless) Organisation of launch and closing conferences/ press conferences Dissemination of project outputs (good practice guides; policy recommendations) Participation at information events outside the project (project presentation/ a stand) No development of project websites funded under POWER Examples of Communication activities

22 Outputs - Main products delivered by the project n° of press releases disseminated n° of e-brochures/ e-newsletters/ leaflets n° of e-brochures/ e-newsletters disseminated n° of events organised and no of participants Results – Expected outcomes Result indicators - Measure the impact of outputs eg., no of events organised, no of participants attending Communications outputs

23 Communication Plan Your key to a successful communication strategy Target groups to address Who do you want to reach? Define message What do you say? Dissemination channel How you transmit it? Define timelines WHEN are we going to implement it? Measure impact/evaluate Did it work?

24 REQUIREMENTS PUBLICATIONS e.g. Brochures, leaflets, press releases, best practice guides Project logo, POWER LOGO, EU and INTERREG IVC logo plus slogans, E-Newsletter, AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL Project logo, POWER LOGO, EU and INTERREG IVC logo plus slogans, as for publications Hyperlink to INTERREG IVC and DG REGIO websites, Power website CONFERENCES, EVENTS, EXHIBITIONS EU flag displayed in meeting rooms, at conferences etc Project logo, POWER LOGO EU and INTERREG IVC logo on all supports and documents

25 Power Logo EU Logo INTERREG IVC logo

26 Roles POWER Secretariat Advice Issue press releases about the POWER programme as a whole Publicise projects Offer one page per subproject on the POWER programme website POWER stands available on request Participation at sub project Steering Committees and major events Project Managers Check the story-line and planned press release with the POWER secretariat. Mention POWER as the funding stream Send a copy of the press release to the POWER secretariat and number of copies distributed Contact the POWER secretariat and Regional Correspondents for advice on how to respond to media requests for further information on the POWER programme

27 POWER WEBSITE Information on projects approved Promotion of events Online monitoring Forum/blog

28 Some Tips from Sub-projects Leaders.. Project Suspurpol

29 COMMUNICATION & LOBBYING: SUSPURPOL Dr. Richard Williams Project Manager SusPurPol

30 COMUNICATION AND LOBBYING: 1 SUSPURPOL was a sustainability project, and the project recognised in its submission to GROW the importance of communication and lobbying, to: –Politicians and policy makers –Academics –Business, and most importantly; –The general public To achieve impact and outcomes the communications and lobbying strategy was seen to be central to the success of the project at its initiation

31 COMUNICATION AND LOBBYING : 2 The issue of lobbing decision makers and politicians was seen to be central to enable a change of emphasis (paradigm shift) in terms of sustainable development policy. Therefore a strategy to visualise the issue of sustainable development was developed targeted at: –Television and the printed media –Actions that policy makers and politicians could be directly involved with –That the outcomes of the project could be measured / demonstrated in a way that meant things to every day people –Those people with the most significant chance of effecting change

32 CONCLUSIONS: 1 The more publicity and profile that can be generated by the project the more likely it is for the public and business is to become aware and involved / supportive of the goals

33 CONCLUSIONS: 2 Have a communications and lobbying strategy before you start Develop networks with government officials, politicians and the media from an early stage and keep them involved / informed Follow the guidance of Gary Player!

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