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God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 People do not see God. ________________________________ If we love one another, they see God in us!

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Presentation on theme: "God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 People do not see God. ________________________________ If we love one another, they see God in us!"— Presentation transcript:

1 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 People do not see God. ________________________________ If we love one another, they see God in us!

2 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 Takes us back to 3:24 ______________ Two aspects: faith and love ______________ This is why we must fight false teaching (4:1-7)

3 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 3:24 - Two aspects; one commandment _______________ If Jesus isn't the Christ, God's Son, who manifested God's love toward us, there is no basis for love!

4 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 God is at home with those who exercise genuine Christian love! Eph. 3:14-19

5 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:12 God's love reaches its highest expression when we reproduce God's love in the church! John 13:34

6 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:13 When we love one another, we are participating in a spirit of love. ________________ Our love manifests the inward abiding Spirit of God.

7 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:13 When we love as He loves, God is loving our brothers and sisters through us!

8 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:14 By the Spirit, when we love one another, we can experience what the Apostles experienced! ______________________ Christ, the Eternal Life, is re-manifested in our body, our local fellowship!

9 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:14 "And so..." We can be living witnesses to the reality that the Son who saved us is the Savior of the world! John 13:34-35

10 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:14 The church can be a source of evangelism when the reality of Christ's love is present!

11 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:15 We often do this in our fellowship in many ways; in prayer, in song, in instruction.

12 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:15 This is full-circle to what John wanted 1 John 1:1-4; 3:23 _________________ John 11:25-27; 20:30-31

13 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:15 Matt. 16:16-17 This doesn't happen without God turning the lights on!

14 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:16 Our experience of this in the context of church is strengthening! __________________ We get a new experience and confidence in God's love!

15 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:16 "has for us" = "has among us" _________________ When we love one another, God's expression of love is "reincarnated" among us!

16 God Manifested in Us! 1 John 4:16 The value of the local Christian community could not be more important... ________________...nor could the importance of our walking in truth and loving one another.

17 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:17 Love reaches it's greatest expression in the Christian community!

18 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:17 Day of Judgment 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10-12; 1 Cor. 3:11-15

19 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:17 God is love. As we love one another, we express the reality of who God is and what He has commanded.

20 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:17 We will have confidence because we will have done what He has required of us.

21 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:18 "no fear" = "terror" _______________ "Perfect love" = "a mature love that has reached its goal or objective" Hodges

22 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:18 When we love as we are told, we don't need to be concerned about our future evaluation. __________________________ Genuine love leads to genuine confidence before God.

23 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:18 A failure to love as we have been commanded properly results in a fear of future evaluation. ___________________________ That fear alone is "punishment".

24 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:19 Our love for God is sourced in His love for us! John 14:21, 23-24

25 Boldness at the Judgment Seat - 4:19 When our fellowship loves, the glory goes to the God who first loved us!

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