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Low Income Forum on Energy 2011 Regional Meetings May, 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Low Income Forum on Energy 2011 Regional Meetings May, 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Income Forum on Energy 2011 Regional Meetings May, 2011 1

2 Presented by HCR Staff  Thomas Platten – New Paltz & Malta  Michael Gorman – Lake Placid  Daniel Grau – NYC  Beth Ryan - Elmira  Daniel Buyer - Rochester May, 20112

3 What I will cover:  Background and brief history  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)  ARRA Update on units served  What’s next for Weatherization ??? May, 20113

4 “To reduce heating and cooling costs for low-income families, particularly the elderly, persons with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes and ensuring their health and safety.” May, 20114

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9  Conceived during the 1973 oil embargo;  Established in New York in 1977;  Traditionally funded from two Federal sources:  US Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services  Suballocation of LIHEAP funds is through OTDA  History of wide fluctuations in funding May, 20119

10  In 2009, $98.7 million was distributed, more than 15,000 units have been weatherized  In 2010, $70 million was distributed, more than 13,000 will have been weatherized by June 2011  Recovery Act has provided $395 million, enough to weatherize 55,000 + households in 2009-2011  2011, to be determined May, 201110

11  $5 billion for Weatherization nationally - $394 million to NYS (largest in the nation)  Average cost-per-unit limit raised from $4,500 to $6,500  Funding July1, 2009 through September 30, 2011  Eligibility remains at 60% of state median income  Other Requirements – MBE/WBE, SHPO, Lead Paint rules, etc. May, 201111

12 May, 201112  ARRA imposed new labor rules (Davis Bacon)  Significant increase in training resources NYSWDA and AEA training centers, Four regional pressure houses under construction  Increased reporting and accountability rules  Six independent audits and reviews have been conducted thus far…  Stimulus funds are in every community

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14  With some exceptions, tenants must income certify; at least 50% must be income eligible  25% Owner Investment required*  More flexible for small (1-4) unit buildings  No investment required for subsidized properties, defined as those qualifying for 581-a.  Investment may still be required to achieve required SIR (i.e. windows)  WAP $ is not Gap $! May, 201114

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16 After18 months (as of 4/20/11):  20,833 units completed;  23,738 under construction ;  10,000+ units with energy audits completed and poised to begin construction. May, 201116

17  44,571 of the 45,000 unit ARRA goal are completed or in progress  Yes, New York will exceed the unit goal for US DOE  1,150 Jobs have been created with ARRA $  $202 million of ARRA funds expended May, 201117

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19  Post ARRA DOE funding is up in the air  For 2011, perception by some that WAP is awash in ARRA $$  ARRA ends in New York no later than Dec. 2011  Other possible funding sources for WAP  Green Jobs/Green NY  SBC / NYSERDA programs, i.e.Empower, MPP  Utility SBC programs  Fee for service May, 201119

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24 Please Visit or call 1-800-ASK-DHCR May, 201124

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