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White House Reformers 1900-1914. Teddy Roosevelt The Square Deal The Square Deal –Term used to refer to his approach to social problems –Said all people.

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Presentation on theme: "White House Reformers 1900-1914. Teddy Roosevelt The Square Deal The Square Deal –Term used to refer to his approach to social problems –Said all people."— Presentation transcript:

1 White House Reformers 1900-1914

2 Teddy Roosevelt The Square Deal The Square Deal –Term used to refer to his approach to social problems –Said all people should have equal chance to succeed TR wanted to limit trusts, only the dishonest ones TR wanted to limit trusts, only the dishonest ones –Congress refused support, TR rallied support Passed Expedition Act Passed Expedition Act Established Department of Commerce and Labor Established Department of Commerce and Labor –Investigate interstate commerce

3 Teddy Roosevelt Arbitrated Coal Strike of 1902 Arbitrated Coal Strike of 1902 –Employers refused at first, TR put pressure on them to give in Conservation Conservation –Had a love of nature, which spread to others –Newlands Act – federal aid to irrigation projects –Forest Reserve Act – tripled amount of land for national forests

4 Teddy Roosevelt Urged regulation of railroads Urged regulation of railroads –As opposed to control Hepburn Act Hepburn Act –Abolished “free pass” –Granted Interstate Commerce Commission power to fix rates TR Failed to revise the tariff TR Failed to revise the tariff

5 William Howard Taft Taft had to begin addressing Tariff Issue Taft had to begin addressing Tariff Issue –Failed to get much change passed Surrounded in Controversy Surrounded in Controversy Tariff issue and controversies made people feel like he abandoned “Square Deal” Tariff issue and controversies made people feel like he abandoned “Square Deal” Taft’s Successes Taft’s Successes –Bigger trust buster than TR

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