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Alan Brinkley, AMERICAN HISTORY 13/e Chapter Twenty: The Progressives.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan Brinkley, AMERICAN HISTORY 13/e Chapter Twenty: The Progressives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan Brinkley, AMERICAN HISTORY 13/e Chapter Twenty: The Progressives

2 The Progressive Impulse The Progressive Impulse –Varieties of Progressivism  “Antimonopoly”  Faith in Knowledge  American Society can Improve –The Muckrakers  Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens  Investigative Journalists  McClure’s Magazine  Standard Oil Trust 2

3 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives The Progressive Impulse The Progressive Impulse –The Social Gospel  Father John Ryan –The Settlement House Movement  Jane Addams and Hull House  Social Work “One could hear human virtue cracking and crashing all around.” Walter Rauschenbusch 3

4 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Women and Reform Women and Reform  Key Role of Women in Reform Causes –The “New Woman”  Socioeconomic Origins of the New Woman  “Boston Marriages”  10% Divorce Rate-1916 –The Clubwomen  GFWC  A Public Space for Women  Women’s Trade Union League 4

5 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives The Colored Women’s League of Washington (Library of Congress) 5

6 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Women and Reform Women and Reform –Woman Suffrage  Radical Challenge of Women’s Suffrage  NAWSA  Conservative Arguments for Suffrage  Suffrage in the Far west  Nineteenth Amendment  Equal Rights Amendment 6 Suffragette Banner (Library of Congress)

7 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives The Assault on the Parties The Assault on the Parties  Reforming Government –Early Attacks –Municipal Reform  Middle-Class Progressives –New Forms of Governance  Commission Plan  City-Manager Plan  Tom Johnson 7

8 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives The Assault on the Parties The Assault on the Parties –Statehouse Progressivism  Initiative and Referendum  Weakened Power of the State Legislatures  Direct Primary and Recall  Weakened Power of the Political Parties  Robert La Follette  Governor of Wisconsin  Helped Approve the Direct Primary, Initiative, and Referendum

9 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives The Assault on the Parties The Assault on the Parties –Parties and Interest Groups  Decline of Party Influence Voter Participation in Presidential Elections, 1876-1920 9

10 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Sources of Progressive Reform Sources of Progressive Reform –Labor, the Machine, and Reform  Triangle Shirtwaist Fire –Western Progressives Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (Library of Congress) 10

11 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Sources of Progressive Reform Sources of Progressive Reform –African Americans and Reform  W.E.B. Du Bois  NAACP Founded 11

12 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives “Is it possible and probable that nine millions of men can make effective progress in economic lines if they are deprived of political rights, made a servile caste, and allowed only the most meager chance for developing their exceptional men?” W. E. B. Du Bois 12

13 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Crusade for Social Order and Reform Crusade for Social Order and Reform –The Temperance Crusade  WCTU  Largest Women’s Organization  Temperance Movement Gained Momentum After W.W.I  Eighteenth Amendment –Immigration Restriction  Eugenics and Nativism  Supported Restricted Immigration of “Undesirables” 13


15 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Challenging the Capitalist Order Challenging the Capitalist Order –The Dream of Socialism  Eugene Debs-Leader of Socialist Party  Increased Membership during the Progressive Era  “Wobblies”  Socialism’s Demise  World War I Generated National Anti-Radical Views –Decentralization and Regulation  The Problem of Corporate Centralization  “Good Trusts” and “Bad Trusts” 15

16 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Assassination of McKinley (Library of Congress) Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –The Accidental President  Roosevelt’s Background  Youngest President in U.S. History 16

17 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –Government, Capital, and Labor  Roosevelt’s Vision of Federal Power  Northern Securities Company 17 Theodore Roosevelt in Hunting Attire (Library of Congress)

18 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –“The Square Deal” –Election of 1904  Hepburn Act-1906  Pure Food and Drug Act  Upton Sinclair-1906  Exposed the Meatpacking Industry Advertising The Jungle (Library of Congress) 18

19 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –Roosevelt and Conservation –Roosevelt and Preservation Establishment of National Parks and Forests 19

20 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –The Hetch Hetchy Controversy  Competing Conservationist Visions Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir in Yosemite (Library of Congress) 20

21 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency –The Panic of 1907  Tennessee Coal and Iron Company  Roosevelt Promised Not to Seek Another Term 21

22 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Troubled Succession Troubled Succession  William Howard Taft  Hand-picked by Roosevelt –Taft and the Progressives  Payne-Aldrich Tariff  Ballinger-Pinchot Dispute William Howard Taft (Library of Congress) 22

23 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Troubled Succession Troubled Succession –The Return of Roosevelt  “New Nationalism” –Spreading Insurgency –Roosevelt versus Taft-1912  The Progressive Party-”Bull Moose Party”  Roosevelt Unhappy with the Taft Administration 23 (Taft has) “…completely twisted around the policies I advocated and acted upon.” Theodore Roosevelt

24 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom –Woodrow Wilson-1912  Wilson’s “New Freedom”  Wilson Wins a Plurality  Trusts Should be Destroyed Election of 1912 24

25 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom –The Scholar as President  Lowering the Tariff  16 th Amendment-1916  Graduated Income Tax  Federal Reserve Act-1913  Major Banking Reform –Retreat and Advance –Election of 1916  Child Labor Laws  New Round of Progressive Laws Woodrow Wilson (Library of Congress) 25

26 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives Where Historians Disagree: Progressive Reform 26

27 Chapter Twenty: The Progressives America in the World: Social Democracy 27 © 2010, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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