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CARDIOVASCULAR RISK PROFILE OF ELDERLY MEN AND WOMEN SAMPLE OF SLOVAKIA Z. Mikes, J. Odraska, P. Hlivak, K. Jakubovitsova Department of Geriatrics, Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "CARDIOVASCULAR RISK PROFILE OF ELDERLY MEN AND WOMEN SAMPLE OF SLOVAKIA Z. Mikes, J. Odraska, P. Hlivak, K. Jakubovitsova Department of Geriatrics, Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARDIOVASCULAR RISK PROFILE OF ELDERLY MEN AND WOMEN SAMPLE OF SLOVAKIA Z. Mikes, J. Odraska, P. Hlivak, K. Jakubovitsova Department of Geriatrics, Faculty of Medicine Bratislava, Slovak Republic

2 males 1999 males 1970 females 1999 females 1970 Population trends in Slovakia Risk profile of the Slovak elderly population ?

3 THE GOAL OF THE STUDY to estimate the cardiovascular risk profile of the elderly home residents in Bratislava, capital of the country Home for elderly, former castle of comes Amade where son of Maria Theresia, Emperor Jozef the IInd was born Gabcikovo, rural region with the highest cardiovascular mortality in the country

4 Cohort and methods 500 inhabitants of two Bratislava's elderly homes (280 men, mean age 76.3 yrs. and 220 females, mean age 79.8 yrs) 500 inhabitants of two Bratislava's elderly homes (280 men, mean age 76.3 yrs. and 220 females, mean age 79.8 yrs) identical age group from rural district (Gabcikovo) identical age group from rural district (Gabcikovo) Questionnaire family history family history risk factors of atherosclerosis (RF), risk factors of atherosclerosis (RF), index of daily physical activities / Bartel’s index index of daily physical activities / Bartel’s index cognitive functions / Mini-Mental Stage Examination cognitive functions / Mini-Mental Stage Examination height and weight measuring, height and weight measuring, repeated blood pressure measuring in reference conditions repeated blood pressure measuring in reference conditions

5 normal values of TGL and Chol  total cholesterol  triacylglycerols  combined hyperlipidemia metropolitan Combined hyperlipidemia mmol/L -Males rural

6 normal values of TGL and Chol  total cholesterol  triacylglycerols  combined hyperlipide metropolitan Combined hyperlipidemia mmol/L -Females rural

7  BMI 25 BMI 25-30  BMI 30  immobile metropolitan BMI -Males rural

8  BMI 25 BMI 25-30  BMI 30  immobile metropolitan BMI -Females rural

9 Non-smokers Smokers Ex-smokers  o information about smoking metropolitan Smoking-Males rural

10 Non-smokers Smokers Ex-smokers  information about smoking metropolitan Smoking-Females rural

11 Hypertension I. Stage Hypertension II. Stage Hypertension III. Stage Normal blood pressure metropolitan Blood Pressure - Males rural

12 Hypertension I. Stage Hypertension II. Stage Hypertension III. Stage  Normal blood pressure metropolitan Blood Pressure - Females rural

13 diabetes mellitus impaired glucose tolerance non information on DM available  normal glycaemia metropolitan Diabetes-Males rural

14 diabetes mellitus impaired glucose tolerance non information on DM available  normal glycaemia metropolitan Diabetes -Females rural

15 1 RF 2 FR 3 FR  RF metropolitan Risk factors commbination - Males rural 5 RF

16 1 RF 2 FR 3 FR  RF metropolitan Risk factors combination - Females rural 5 RF

17 severe cognitive impairment intermediate cognitive impairment light impairment  normal metropolitan Cognitive functions -Males rural no information

18 severe cognitive impairment intermediate cognitive impairment light impairment  normal metropolitan Cognitive functions - Females rural no information

19 highly dependent dependent mild degree dependency  self-dependent metropolitan Activities of Daily Life (ADL) - Males rural

20 highly dependent dependent mild degree dependency  self -dependent metropolitan Activities of Daily Life (ADL) - Females rural

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