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11. 2 Welcome! 3 Purpose  Research in Faith and Health a New Field in Denmark  Six ph.d.-students in Odense, more in Copenhagen and Århus  Center.

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Presentation on theme: "11. 2 Welcome! 3 Purpose  Research in Faith and Health a New Field in Denmark  Six ph.d.-students in Odense, more in Copenhagen and Århus  Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 11

2 2 Welcome!

3 3 Purpose  Research in Faith and Health a New Field in Denmark  Six ph.d.-students in Odense, more in Copenhagen and Århus  Center for Forskning i Tro og Helbred  Center for Forskning i Eksistens og Samfund  CCESCAM  Upcoming Centre of Knowledge of Patient support in Rigshospitalet  Exchange knowledge between researchers in the field  Exchange knowledge between Nordic researchers and international experts  Seek best critical research methods in faith and health in secular society  Learn from each other  Get to know each other better - build network  Have a good time 3

4 44

5 55

6 6 Program  7 Keynotes  28 Paper Sessions  9 Posters 6

7 7 Practical Information  For practical information regarding conference facilities: Palle Svendsen - Conference Section - or Cecilia, Nina and Helle - Red dots on name tag  For all practical information regarding transport and lodging: Kirsten Schytt  Coffee - served at times in program  Lunch - recommend SDUs Cafeteria  Dinner - restaurants in town  Registration for Social Events, Dinner still possible - Contact Kirsten Schytt 7

8 8 CONFERENCE MATERIAL  Available now: Program and Abstract Booklet  Available on-line after the conference:  PowerPoint-slides  Audio recordings of keynotes and paper sessions  Posters 8

9 9 Thanks  All of you who have come!  All of you who will present, especially those who have come from far  Those who have supported the work of Network for Research in Faith and Health:  The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities  The Danish Cancer Society (UFAK)  The University of Copenhagen  Organizing Committee  Board of Network for Research in Faith and Health  Cecilia Louise Lundegaard, Elisabeth Assing Hvidt + Helle + Nina  Kirsten Schytt and VisitFyn  Palle Svendsen + Pia Hjort 9

10 10 The University of Southern Denmark - a brief introduction

11 11October 20095

12 12 Faculties and campuses Faculty ofOdenseKoldingEsbjerg Sønderborg / Flensburg SlagelseCopenhagen Health Sciences ✔✔✔ Science ✔ Engineering ✔✔ Social Sciences ✔✔✔✔✔ Humanities ✔✔✔✔✔ October 20096

13 13 Facts and figures 2008 Income statementmill. € Income276 Education102 Research, basic funding, state subsidies81 Research, external funding65 Other income28 Expenditure277 Rent and other operating expenses41 Staff costs172 Other costs64 Net profit October 20098

14 14 Facts and figures 2008 Assetsmill. €Debtsmill. € Fixed assets70Net capital58 Current assets114Liabilities126 Assets in total184Debts in total184 StaffAnnual full time equivalent Academic staff1,617 Administrative staff1,265 Total2,882 October 20099

15 15 Students per 01.10.2009 FromNumberPercent Denmark16.55184% Other Nordic countries7504% Other European countries (EU/EØS) 1.6308% Outside EU/EØS7254% I alt 19.656 100% October 200926

16 16October 200920 Plans for new buildings, Odense, Campusvej Administration (postponed): 1.580 m 2 SAMF: 4.280 m 2 NAT/BMB: 2.060 m 2 Edu rooms (not a tower): 4.500 m 2 NAT (awaiting): 3.330 m 2 Idrættens hus: 3.500 m 2 Edu rooms: 2.000 m 2 * TEK: 20.000 m 2 * * More m 2 than originally planned New SUND: 40.000 m 2 New OUH: 212.000 m 2

17 Construction plans, Odense at Campusvej Agreed Move TEK from NBA 1 Expand SDU, Campusvej Plans Move OUH Move SUND from WP Infra-structure October 200921

18 18

19 19 Harold Koenig  Harold Koenig, MD, MHSc completed his undergraduate education at Stanford University, his medical school training at the University of California at San Francisco, and his geriatric medicine, psychiatry, and biostatistics training at Duke University Medical Center.  He is board certified in general psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry and geriatric medicine, and is on the faculty at Duke as Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Associate Professor of Medicine. He is also a registered nurse (RN).  350 scientific peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and nearly 40 books  Working on Vol. II of OUP Handbook of Religion and Health  Leader in Research on Faith and Health 19

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