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* Please find your seat (name on card). Computer agreement Books.

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Presentation on theme: "* Please find your seat (name on card). Computer agreement Books."— Presentation transcript:

1 * Please find your seat (name on card)

2 Computer agreement Books

3 Navy kid – lived in NC, Spain, VA, PA, and MD Graduate from Millersville U. with a Bachelor’s Degree in Math Education Taught in Maryland for 5 years Graduated from UMBC with a Master’s in Biostatistics 12 th year teaching math 6 th year here at South Have 5 year-old and 3 year-old daughters Also teach AP Statistics and Stat and Data Analysis courses

4 * “Real World” or “Business” math * Prepare you for the kind of math that you will do in your everyday lives * “When will I ever use this stuff??” EVERYDAY! * Need this to graduate?

5 * Income * Checking and Savings Accounts * Credit Cards * Buying a car * Interest (good & bad) * Taxes * Insurance * Loans and Mortgages

6 * 3 ring binder (lots of handouts!) * Book (will keep in class) * CALCULATOR (scientific, 4 function) * Expectations * Food * Cell phones * Dress code

7 * Absences * Lates * Cuts * Amount * Grading * Receiving credit * Late assignments

8 * Announced/unannounced * Calculators * Hats/sunglasses * Amount/type * Grading * Lateness

9 * Classwork = 50% * Tests/Quizzes/Projects = 50% * Borderline grades (79.48%) * Normal grading scale (93% = A, 90% = A-, etc.) Before school 4 th block Thursdays after school

10 * Final Exam: MC, at end of course * Core assessments (2): in class * MP1 = 40% * MP2 = 40% * Final Exam = 14% * Core 1 = 3% * Core 2 = 3%

11 Please get out your laptop from the cart in the back of the room. Log in to your computer Go to Mr. Wheeles’ class website Go to the Applied Math page Find the calendar on the page and click on the link in today’s date. Click on the link to the Quia Pre- assessment. You have your username and password.

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