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June 10, 2008 TPTF Early Delivery Systems Status Daryl Cote, Steve White, & Ken McIntyre.

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Presentation on theme: "June 10, 2008 TPTF Early Delivery Systems Status Daryl Cote, Steve White, & Ken McIntyre."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 10, 2008 TPTF Early Delivery Systems Status Daryl Cote, Steve White, & Ken McIntyre

2 2 2 TPTF6/10/2008 Agenda EDS SLA EDS 2 –Release 3: Telemetry & State Estimator –Release 4: NOMCR EDS 3 –Release 5: SCED –Release 6: LFC –Release 7: CRR EDS 4 –Release 8: COMS –Release 9: DAM / RUC / SASM

3 3 3 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS SLA Metrics (April ‘08)  SCED availability increase 10% from the previous month, ongoing issues with MMS 3

4 4 4 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS SLA Metrics (May ‘08)  SCED availability decreased 5% from the previous month due to combined cycle configuration number issue

5 5 5 TPTF6/10/2008 Significant Environment Outage – Month of May ‘08 Market Information System (MIS) / Market Manager –Total Outage Time – 10 hours –Primary Issues Application process hung, Out of memory fault, Deployment (release) issues Market Management System (MMS) –Total Outage Time – 3.5 hours –Primary Issues Application server process hung (JBOSS) –Outage time significantly reduced from monitoring –MMS 4 should resolve this issue Database table locking from clean-up / purge jobs LMP’s –Total “Outage” Time – 20 hours –Note: LMP “Outage” includes time where LMP’s were compromised due to ERCOT system issues. This does not include LMP issues due to MP’s input data (e.g. ICCP, Energy Offer Curves, etc) unless that data caused an unhandled fault in SCED. –Primary Issues LMP’s not updating to MIS / Public Reports Bad telemetry data from MP causes SCED to fail –HSL < LSL while EOC does cover the full sustainable capacity of resource causes SCED to fail –To be resolved in MMS4 Transformer constraint causes SCED to fail –EMS  MMS view required update after EMS release –Resolved after occurrence

6 6 6 TPTF6/10/2008 ICCP Servers Update Austin ICCP Servers –Production Servers Upgraded Taylor Production Servers –ICCP Associations In Progress –15 of 23 QSE Associations Completed –6 of 25 TSP Associations Completed ICCP High Availability

7 7 7 TPTF6/10/2008 Wind Telemetry 54 Wind Units ICCP Telemetry Available for all Units Direction, Speed, Barometric Pressure, Temperature Telemetry Accuracy Incorrect Values Telemetry Data Quality Good, Remote Replaced Good, Remote Suspect Contacting QSE’s

8 8 8 TPTF6/10/2008 Wind Telemetry MMS UI Feedback –Concerned about the amount of work needed to view/update COPs, etc. for multiple resources. Current UI allows user to view multiple days for one unit, not multiple units for one day –Concerned about the way error and confirmation messages display (not implemented yet) –Concerned about raw.xml displaying on the Awards tab (not implemented yet)

9 9 9 TPTF6/10/2008 Wind Telemetry

10 10 TPTF6/10/2008 QSE Telemetry

11 11 TPTF6/10/2008 TSP Telemetry

12 12 TPTF6/10/2008 TSP Dashboard

13 13 TPTF6/10/2008 Convergence Rate April 08

14 14 TPTF6/10/2008 Convergence Rate May 08

15 15 TPTF6/10/2008 Convergence Rate – June (to date)

16 16 TPTF6/10/2008 Convergence Rate – June (to date)

17 17 TPTF6/10/2008 Follow-up from last TPTF: Status of EDW Reports to Support SE and Telemetry Standards Expect delivery by end of June: –EDW - State Estimator Convergence Rate DRAFT v0.01EDW - State Estimator Convergence Rate DRAFT v0.01 Working to validate a month of data for: –EDW - MW Residuals vs. Telemetry for Congested Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01 &EDW - MW Residuals vs. Telemetry for Congested Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01 –EDW - MW Residuals vs. Telemetry for Major Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01EDW - MW Residuals vs. Telemetry for Major Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01 –EDW - MW Residuals vs. RTCA Base Case Congested Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01EDW - MW Residuals vs. RTCA Base Case Congested Transmission Elements DRAFT v0.01 –EDW - Voltage Residuals vs. Telemetry for Critical Buses DRAFT v0.01EDW - Voltage Residuals vs. Telemetry for Critical Buses DRAFT v0.01 Defining validation Approach for: –EDW - electrical buses Not Meeting Telemetry Standards DRAFT v0.01EDW - electrical buses Not Meeting Telemetry Standards DRAFT v0.01 EDW environment was down last week for infrastructure maintenance Developed real-time ICCP link display to monitor status Developed real-time reports to identify data issues

18 18 TPTF6/10/2008 Release 4 – NMMS / NOMCR 2007 2008 SepOctNovDecJan Feb R4: NOMCR / Network Model verification E2 R4 NOMCR Checkout Network Model Verification  Onsite NMMS training and scripted scenario execution completed by all Market Participants on May 21, 08  Single Entry Point Go-Live Procedures communicated last week  NDSWG comments gathered by 6/9/08  Present results to ROS on 6/12/08  TPTF comments 6/13/08  Comments closed 6/20/08  TPTF vote 7/7 – 7/8  Model On Demand & Mod Web training for Planners is targeted for mid July  On going support & on line training including reference materials and users guide on how to use the system, create and maintain projects, and change requests were distributed to the market participants and posted on line at  A narrated web-based version of the NMMS course and training material are now available on line at:

19 19 TPTF6/10/2008 Release 5 - SCED 2007 2008 SCED R5.1SCED R5.3: RT ICCPSCED R5.4: LMP Post SepOctNovDecJan Feb SCED R5.2 E3 R5 6-month LMP Posting RT ICCP EDS 3 Release 5 Exit Criteria % Complete Comments Daily submissions of COP, TPO, and OS~90%Expect large payload support in August Daily submission for may provided on following slides SCED Inputs verified: HRL, LRL, SURAMP, SDRAMP, HDL, LDL; GTBD, ICCP 100% (90%) Results from first three pre-6.3 test provided to QSEs Results for June 5 th to be provided to QSEs SCED Outputs verified: QSE’s ability to receive Resource Base Points and LMPs via ICCP 100% (90%) Base Point and LMP calculation verified for Resources with Offer Curves or Output Schedules 100% (100%) Reports100% (100%) LMPs verified for Reasonability and posted to MIS for Market Participant review100% (100%) Legend: % in parentheses are from the 5/7 TPTF update

20 20 TPTF6/10/2008 Submission Metrics – Month of May ‘08

21 21 TPTF6/10/2008 Release 6 - LFC 2008 JanFebMarAprMay Jun E3 R6 R6.1: RLC & ACE EDS 3 Release 6.2 Criteria % Complete Comments Pre-Test & Test Times Scheduled 100% (100%) Submit Units for Testing 100% (74%) Provide Ramp Rate Curves and 5 Minute BPS 100% (28%) Prove ability to receive Nodal Instructions 100% (28%) Ability to receive Nodal & Zonal instruction Simultaneously 100% (28%) Pre-Test Complete 100% (28%) R6.2: QSE TestingR6.3: TST Legend: % in parentheses are from the 5/7 TPTF update  Over 40 units participated in testing  22 test sessions had to be rescheduled due to failed test attempts or other delays  14 additional test sessions were conducted to handle additional tests (JOUs, re-tests)  The test team averaged over 11 test sessions a week for the last 3 weeks of May to meet the test completion milestone (original plan had 6 scheduled).

22 22 TPTF6/10/2008 Telemetry Availability vs Mismatch and Convergence 6/5 6am-Noon

23 23 TPTF6/10/2008 Nodal SE Convergence: 6/5  6/5 7am: Bad Transformer SCADA at Nueces_B Station  6/5 8am: Lost 4453 Analog measurements & 8144 status measurements & Incorrect breaker status at station HOC  6/5 9am: Lost 4453 Analog measurements & 8144 status measurements  6/5 10am: loss in data caused N_Sharpe Phase Shifter tap to incorrectly estimate causing mismatches. 6/5 6am-Noon

24 24 TPTF6/10/2008 Limits during test period 6/5, 7am – 11am  GTBD within 500-1000MW of HDL (most units deployed as high as possible)

25 25 TPTF6/10/2008 Reference LMPs Vs GTBD (6/5)  Compensating for Resources “invisible” to SCED by 7:20 brought LMPs off cap  Flat spots from 8:15-8:50 and 10:30-10:45 due to 300-500MW of flat EOC on marginal units  Jumps from 9:30-10:00 due to switching between two groups of marginal units as dispatch limits are reached. Changes in all Resource HDLs/LDLs and Output Schedules as well as GTBD affect the selection of marginal units

26 26 TPTF6/10/2008 Reference LMPs Vs MCPE (6/5)  Reference LMP comparable to MCPE  LMPs in west zone were lower than reference LMP  Nodal LMP indicative of submitted TPOs – very good

27 27 TPTF6/10/2008 Upcoming Events to support the 2-Hour Total System Test  WebEx on June 11 th to discuss logistics of test   Next RARF load will be on June 17 th for RARFs submitted by COB on June 12 th  Market notice forth coming  Final pre-6.3 LFC test (a.k.a open loop test) will be on June 19 th from 9am-1pm central  Market notice forth coming

28 28 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS 3 Release 7 - CRR EDS 3 Release 7 Status% CompleteComments Release 7.1 Connectivity and Submissions100% (0%) 59 participants successfully completed UI testing (97% participation) * completion of R7.1 qualifies MP for production cert Release 7.2 Scripted Monthly Auction100% (0%) No Change Release 7.3 unscripted Monthly Auction100% (0%) No Change Release 7.4 Unscripted Annual Allocation/Auction 83% (0%) 9 participants successfully submitted PCRR nominations (82% participation) 46 participants successfully submitted bids (75% participation) 83% done as of noon 6/9/08. Should be complete by noon 6/10/08 Jan 08Feb 08Mar 08Apr 08May 08Dec 07 CRR–R7.0CRR–R7.1CRR–R7.2CRR–R7.3 CRRR7.4 CRR–R7.5 (TBD) Jan 08Feb 08Mar 08Apr 08May 08Dec 07Jan 08Feb 08Mar 08 Apr 08 May 08Dec 07 CRR–R7.0CRR–R7.1CRR–R7.2CRR–R7.3CRR–R7.5 (TBD) R7.4 exit delayed by 26 business days (to 6/10/08) due to issues clearing annual auction: Data and system environment / application tuning Legend: % in parentheses are from the 5/7 TPTF update

29 29 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS 4 - Release 8 Posted Mock RTM Statements and Invoices to Readiness Center (5/29/08) Release 7.4 CRR Auction Invoices posted to MIS Certified Area by 6/13/08 (first 12 months only)

30 30 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS 4 Release 9.1 2008 JanFebMarAprMay Jun E4 R9 R9.1: DAM/RUC Submission TestingR9.3:R9.4: DAM/ Adj Period, RT R9.2: Outage Scheduler Legend: % in parentheses are from the 5/7 TPTF update EDS 4 Release 9.1 Exit Criteria% Complete Comments Sign-Up Testing Window Scheduled94% (86%) The following need to schedule test windows: Ambridge Energy, Aquila, Citadel Energy Products, Clearview Electric, Glacial Energy, Kansas City Power and Light, National Power Company, Sitara Energy, Texpo Power, Urban Energy Source, WCW International Working with New QSEs, Resource Movements, etc. as needed MP8 - QSE Ability to Submit Transactions Via MIS 94% (86%) MP9 – QSE Ability to Submit Web Service Transactions 100% (100%) Of those who indicated desire to use Web Services

31 31 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS 4 Release 9.2 2008 JanFebMarAprMay Jun E4 R9 R9.1: DAM/RUC Submission TestingR9.3:R9.4: DAM/ Adj Period, RT R9.2: Outage Scheduler Legend: % in parentheses are from the 5/7 TPTF update EDS 4 Release 9.2 Exit Criteria% Complete Comments Test Window Scheduled100% (83%) Completed Scripted Testing67% (0%) 12 MPs to complete this week leaving only 3 more 9.2.2 testing extended until 6/30 Group and Opportunity Outages (6/30) Summary Screen Enhancements (7/14) Custom Filtering Enter Actual Start/End Warnings (7/14) Copy/Print/Export, Enhanced Validation (7/31) Participate in Performance testing0%Start of 9.2.3 testing effort moved to July 1 Participate in Dual Entry days (prior to 168hr test) 0%

32 32 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS 4 Release 9.3 2008 JanFebMarAprMay Jun E4 R9 R9.1: DAM/RUC Submission TestingR9.3:R9.4: DAM/ Adj Period, RT  ERCOT has executed during April and May:  13 DAMs (constrained and unconstrained, last two without guardrails/scripting)  2 SASMs, 6 DRUCs, 2 HRUCs  QSE participation level excellent overall  ERCOT is suspending DAM execution in existing software environment; will maintain and support the existing EDS environment to allow for QSE market submissions and testing  Suspension will allow focus on expediting migration to MMS4 for EDS, address missing integration to achieve a more realistic DAM/RUC, QSE/ERCOT to focus on EIP testing and delivery  Exit criteria for release 9.3 have not completed

33 33 TPTF6/10/2008 EDS Deliverables 168-Hr TestDST Post for TPTF Comment June 3June 12 Comment CloseJune 11June 19 TPTF VoteJune 23-25July 7-8  Texas Nodal Market Go-Live Procedure approved by TAC on June 5 th  Nodal Transition Outage Management Plan Rescinded by TAC on June 5 th  Will revisits the plan when a revised TNMID is published Legend: indicates completion

34 34 TPTF6/10/2008 Questions?

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