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Introduction to Programming G50PRO University of Nottingham Unit 3 : Introduction To Scratch 2 Paul Tennent

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1 Introduction to Programming G50PRO University of Nottingham Unit 3 : Introduction To Scratch 2
Paul Tennent Room C41

2 Agenda Common programming elements Pseudo Code Scratch Example
Scratch Demo Course work

3 Common programming elements:
Variables Conditional statements Loops Events

4 PseudoCode PseudoCode is a compact and informal high-level description of a computer program Uses the structural conventions of a programming language Intended for human reading rather than machine reading Compact and easier to understand fo humans Language-independent

5 Example Cat Sprite() Loop Forever If (user hits right)
Point right If (user hits left) Point Left If (user hits up) Point Up If (user hits down) Point Down Move slowly

6 Try PseudoCode Write PseudoCode to:
Move a car using up arrow to increase speed and down arrow to brake. Right and left arrows for directions. If a wall is hit the car explodes and the car losses 1 life out of 3 Game is over if the car explodes 3 times

7 Who is responsible for what?
Structure your programs Think – which sprites should be responsible for what actions? Think – Where should your variables be defined

8 Example – Shooting Game
Bullet Disappear Add to user’s score? Alien Destruction effect COLLISION!

9 Coursework 2 player car race online game
The game should offer a choice of multiple tracks. When a player reaches the finish line the winner should be announced plus the time taken and a score. Read the specifications on course web page

10 Coursework Check Similar projects online first
It is ok to reuse bits of code/ideas from other projects. Yet DO NOT copy a project and modify it. Make sure to include in the Report references to other projects you used in your work on Use Project notes to include simple user Instructions

11 Quick Review Create the software Write the documentation Design
Implement Test Write the documentation Leave plenty of time to write the report Proof read for obvious mistakes Think about the structure of your writing

12 Software Demonstration
Wednesday 18th February Make sure The game is usable online (clear instructions) How does it look, feel?

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