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A Year of Cyberinfrastructure at Illinois Chuck Thompson and Tracy Smith Members, Year of CI Planning Team.

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Presentation on theme: "A Year of Cyberinfrastructure at Illinois Chuck Thompson and Tracy Smith Members, Year of CI Planning Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Year of Cyberinfrastructure at Illinois Chuck Thompson and Tracy Smith Members, Year of CI Planning Team

2 Outline Cyberinfrastructure Defined The Need for Cyberinfrastructure A Year of Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Master Plan IT Pro Involvement

3 How Do You Define Cyberinfrastructure?

4 How NSF Defines Cyberinfrastructure Distributed computer, information and communication technologies combined with the personnel and integrating components that provide a long-term platform to empower the modern scientific research endeavor

5 Innovation, Discovery CIF21: Cyberinfrastructure as an Ecological System Grand Challenge Communities Learning & Workforce Development Campus Bridging, Cybersecurity Advanced Computational Infrastructure Data Scientific Instruments Software

6 Common Reaction to NSF Definition

7 How Do We Define Cyberinfrastructure For Faculty “Whatever IT related services you need in order to better conduct your research.”

8 Outline Cyberinfrastructure Defined The Need for Cyberinfrastructure A Year of Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Master Plan IT Pro Involvement

9 A Third Method of Scientific Inquiry Theory Experimentation Computation

10 Benefits of Cyberinfrastructure Competitiveness Advances research Fosters innovation Enables collaboration Recruitment tool

11 Campus CI Resources

12 Blue Waters (Illinois researcher allocations) Campus Advanced Research Network Environment (CARNE) Campus Research Data Service (RDS) Data Center Shared Services (DCSS) Illinois Campus Cluster Program (ICCP) Scholarly Commons

13 Campus CI Observations CI Definition Raise awareness of CI role Many things happening in this space with only information coordination

14 Outline Cyberinfrastructure Defined The Need for Cyberinfrastructure A Year of Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Master Plan IT Pro Involvement

15 A Year of Cyberinfrastructure AKA “A Year of Action” Inspired by “Year of Data Stewardship” Funded by OVCR and OCIO

16 Year of CI Goals Highlight how CI is used Develop a CI roadmap Create a common understanding

17 Let’s Shorthand It… Socialize Concept Assess Needs Write Plan Write Recommendation to Adopt Plan (Keep) Implement(ing)

18 Year of CI Activities Opening Symposium Held September 30 Seminars Roadshows Surveys Plan Writing Plan Vetting and Acceptance

19 Year of CI Opening Symposium Comments by Provost Adesida, Vice-Chancellor for Research Peter Schiffer, CIO Mark Henderson Overview by John Towns Keynote by Sally Jackson Lightning Round talks by Four Researchers Closing Remarks by Prof. Roy Campbell

20 Year of CI Seminars Raise awareness of CI in support of research Understand how others have addressed issues…or struggle with them! Understand how Illinois’ CI fits into the national/international ecosystem

21 Facilitated discussions Listen & learn about research Raise awareness of CI

22 Year of CI Survey Quantitative and Qualitative Questions Targeted distribution at roadshows Mass distribution to all faculty It’s a source of input, not the source of input

23 Outline Cyberinfrastructure Defined The Need for Cyberinfrastructure A Year of Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Master Plan IT Pro Involvement

24 Year of CI Opening Keynote “The Social Side of Cyberinfrastructure” – By Dr. Sally Jackson Watch it for insights about the CI Master Plan:

25 Need for a CI Master Plan CI co-evolves with research programs – Researchers encounter a problem, invent a tool to solve it, and add that tool to the ecosystem. The tool finds other users – Often in other fields, producing unanticipated changes of direction in research

26 Need for a CI Master Plan Much of what we spend on CI comes from research awards Campus CI investments are not coordinated Need a coherent way of considering campus CI needs and facilitating additional funding discussions about them

27 Facilities Master Plan as Model Show Existing and Planned Buildings Multiple Layers Showing Different Components Document Constraints Long Term Vision to Guide Planning Used to Justify Evolving Changes Inform Decisions on What to do Next


29 CI Master Plan Model Researchers, Resources, Expertise Interconnects Document Constraints Long Term Vision to Guide Planning Used to Justify Evolving Changes Inform Decisions on What to do Next

30 A Sociogram View of CI CI Unlabeled nodes are researchers or research groups

31 A Sociogram View of CI CI Unlabeled nodes are researchers or research groups

32 Integrated Planning Facilities master plans intertwine with other planning and CI master plan must do likewise

33 CI Master Plan as Attractor Facilities master plans attract philanthropy CI master plan can attract grant funding, faculty, and collaborations

34 CI Master Plan Writing Core team to draft document Team to include faculty from broad range of disciplines Input from roadshows, surveys, strategic plans First draft by early Spring 2015

35 CI Master Plan Vetting Vetting and Editing Mid-Spring 2015 – Campus IT Governance heavily engaged Open Comment and Feedback Period First Version Finalized May 2015 Recommendations to Campus – Informed by the CI Master Plan

36 Outline Cyberinfrastructure Defined The Need for Cyberinfrastructure A Year of Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Master Plan IT Pro Involvement

37 Provide the feedback loop Encourage researchers to participate in needs gathering Help build the CI roadmap

38 IT Pro Involvement You are the local “go to” person Know what is available Know whom to contact

39 IT Pro Communications What do you need to know? What do you want to know? When do you need to know it? How do you want to learn about it?

40 A Year of CI Elevator Speech Demystify CI by defining it for Illinois Gain an understanding of CI needs directly from the researchers who use/need it Build a comprehensive, well- informed plan to guide CI growth Start and maintain the necessary feedback loop Researchers should be focused on RESEARCH and not the underlying technology that enables them to do research!

41 Year of CI Planning Team John Towns, NCSA Randy Cetin, CITES / Office of the CIO David Gerstenecker, College of ACES Heidi Imker, Research Data Services and University Library Chris Larrison, School of Social Work Eric Shaffer, Department of Computer Science Tracy Smith, CITES Chuck Thompson, College of Engineering Kandace Turner-Jones, NCSA

42 Year of Cyberinfrastructure

43 Campus CI Resources Illinois Campus Cluster Program (ICCP) – Blue Waters (Illinois researcher allocations) – Campus Advanced Research Network Environment (CARNE) – Data Center Shared Services (DCSS) – Campus Research Data Service (RDS) – Scholarly Commons –

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