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Measuring Family Relationships in the Fragile Families Study Marcy Carlson Columbia University July 16, 2004 Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Family Relationships in the Fragile Families Study Marcy Carlson Columbia University July 16, 2004 Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Family Relationships in the Fragile Families Study Marcy Carlson Columbia University July 16, 2004 Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop

2 Baseline M-F Relationship Status History: –How long knew each other before got pregnant –Why did romantic rel. end (if broken up) Current relationship status –Married (yes/no) –Cohabiting (yes/no) –Type (steady romantic; on & off; just friends; hardly talk; never talk) Chances of marriage to baby’s father (none, a little, 50- 50, pretty good, almost certain) Chances of ever marrying someone (same as above)

3 Baseline M-F Relationship Quality Supportiveness (often, sometimes, never) –Fair & willing to compromise –Shows affection/love –Insults/criticizes –Encourages/helps Conflict (often, sometimes, never) –Money, spending time, sex, the pregnancy, drinking/drugs, being faithful Companionship (did in last month) –Visited w/ friends, went out, ate out, helped solve problem

4 1 Year M-F Relationship Status History: –Relationship type when child born (married, rom., sep/div., just friends, not in any) –Cohabiting when child born (all/most, some, rarely, never) –Dates: marriage, cohab, sep/divorce, end of rel. –Why did relationship end Current relationship status –Type (married, rom., sep/div., just friends, not in any) –Cohabiting (all/most, some, rarely, never) –Not all/most: # of nights, how often see/talk (18 cities)

5 1 Year M-F Relationship Quality Supportiveness (often, sometimes, never) –Fair & willing to compromise –Expresses affection/love –Insults/criticizes –Encourages/helps –Listens when need someone to talk to –Really understands your hurts & joys Argue (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) Overall quality (poor, fair, good, very good, excellent) Controlling behavior –Tries to keep from seeing friends/family –Tries to prevent from going to work/school –Withholds money

6 1 Year M-F Relationship Quality Questions asked about mother and biological father (regardless of residential status) Questions asked about residential new partners

7 Baseline Father Involvement Mom report: –Gave money –Helped in another way –Visited in hospital –Name on birth certificate –Baby will have surname –Dad says wants to be involved Dad report: –Gave money –Helped in another way –Present at birth –Has held baby –Name on birth certificate –Baby will have surname –Wants to be involved

8 1 Year Father-Child Activities (F about self; M about F) Play games Sing songs/nursery rhymes Read stories Tell stories Play inside with toys Take child to visit relatives Hug or show physical affection Put child to bed Change diaper – only M about F Feed or give bottle – only M about F

9 Father-Child Contact about One Year after Baby’s Birth (n=4,337) Marital birth 94.4 Nonmarital birth

10 Father-Child Contact about One Year after Nonmarital Birth (n=3,260) Resident at birth Non-resident at birth

11 Father-Child Activities Past Month 1=never 2= < few times/wk 3=few times/wk 4=every day/nearly

12 Frequency of Spanking (Last Month)

13 The end…!

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