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Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources 2011 Open Enrollment January 1, 2012 Coverage Changes are Effective January 1, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources 2011 Open Enrollment January 1, 2012 Coverage Changes are Effective January 1, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources 2011 Open Enrollment January 1, 2012 Coverage Changes are Effective January 1, 2012

2 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Open Enrollment Options *Dependent children must be age 26 or younger and not be currently enrolled in other EIP programs and must not be eligible for his own employer-sponsored coverage Add/ drop or switch Health plans Add or drop State Vision Plan Add or drop Dental/Plus Plans Add or drop dependents Enroll, drop or change Optional Life Add Dependent Life Child (19 up to age 25 if full time student) Cannot enroll spouse Dependent Life Spouse but can decrease or cancel Enroll/re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts

3 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources How to Make Changes Preferred Methods MyBenefits at –All changes except MoneyPlu$ MoneyPlu$- –MoneyPlu$ re-enrollment

4 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Why Use MyBenefits? Faster and more accurate processing Completed enrollment actions can be verified in the system if you lose your copy of the change Ability to submit a subsequent transaction if you change your mind Changes may be made until midnight on October 31, 2011 First time users must register

5 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Reminder To make both a beneficiary and enrollment change, you must make the beneficiary change first and 48 hours later make the enrollment change Print and retain a copy for your records and submit supporting documentation to your Human Resources office.

6 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources How do I Access MyBenefits? ►

7 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources How do I Access MyBenefits? MyBenefits PageMyBenefits login ►

8 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources How do I Reenroll in MoneyPlu$? ►

9 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Changes for 2012 BlueCross BlueShield of SC will administer mental health and substance benefits under Companion Benefit Alternatives, Inc. Provider network for mental health and substance abuse benefits is changed. Refer to the Doctor/Hospital Finder at Increase in premiums Increase in Health Savings Account maximum Supporting documents required to add eligible dependents

10 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Acceptable Supporting Documents Dependent TypeDocuments Required Legal SpouseMarriage license or page 1 of federal tax return Former SpouseDivorce decree Common Law SpouseCommon Law Marriage Affidavit Natural ChildLong-form birth certificate StepchildLong-form birth certificate plus legal/common law spouse document Adopted/Foster/Other ChildCourt documentation or letter of placement Incapacitated ChildIncapacitated Child Certification plus proof of relationship (see child documents)

11 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Acceptable Supporting Documents To find out how to obtain your supporting documents visit: Changes requiring documentation will not be processed until documents are received by your Human Resources office.

12 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Optional Life Enroll and/or increase coverage in $10,000 increments up to $50,000 without providing medical evidence of good health For amounts above $50,000, medical evidence required $500,000 maximum benefit Decrease or cancel coverage.

13 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources 2012 Rates

14 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources My Insurance Manager Review claim status View and print Explanation of Benefits (EOB) View amount paid toward annual deductible and coinsurance maximum Ask customer service a question Locate network providers

15 Benefits Office, Division of Human ResourcesMoneyPlu$ First-time MoneyPlu$ subscribers must see your Human Resources Office to enroll Current MoneyPlu$ spending account(s) participants can re-enroll online. If you are planning to retire in 2012, see your Human Resources Office to re-enroll in the Medical Spending Account. Some restrictions apply Visit FBMC’s web site

16 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources MoneyPlu$-Grace Period Can incur expenses through March 15, 2012 provided your account is active on December 31, 2011 and you re-enroll in 2012 Rule applies to Medical Spending Accounts and to “limited use” Medical Spending Accounts

17 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Remember During Grace Period Medical Spending Account claims for services delivered in 2012 received during the grace period will be paid with unspent 2011 money first If you wait to file claims for 2011 expenses, your 2011 account may be exhausted

18 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources EZ REIMBURSE® MasterCard® Reimbursement for over-the-counter medications is no longer covered $10 annual fee deducted from Medical Spending Account

19 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Health Savings Account HSA contributions -- limits and “catch-up” provision 2012 contributions limited to $3,100 for individuals $6,250 for family Catch-up provisions for individuals age 55 and older allows for an additional $1,000

20 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources Reminders Check your December 15 th payroll to confirm premiums reflect your coverage changes and the January 15 th payroll for Medical Spending Account, Dependent Day Care changes Print off a copy of any on line transactions and provide all required documentation if adding dependents Keep a copy of any paper forms completed Call the Human Resources office for assistance

21 Benefits Office, Division of Human Resources


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