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Bree Collaborative OB Update & Report Presentation to the Bree Collaborative May 31, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Bree Collaborative OB Update & Report Presentation to the Bree Collaborative May 31, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bree Collaborative OB Update & Report Presentation to the Bree Collaborative May 31, 2012

2 Purpose of Presentation Update on OB activities since March 29 th Bree Collaborative Meeting Present latest OB draft report Discussion/answer questions 2

3 OB Update – since March 29 Few public comments received (WSHA sent elective deliveries info (May 22), see handout) Staff met with WA Dept of Health staff in April, to learn more about DOH perinatal efforts Staff attended OB COAP annual meeting, May 14th 3

4 OB Subgroup Update Met twice, April 13 & May 21 Reviewed new drafts of the report, tweaked goals, reviewed recommendations 4

5 OB Draft Report –Comments? Questions? General feedback on format Cover letter might be added Sections ▫Bree Collaborative and its Charge ▫Problem Statement ▫Focus Areas and Goals (next slides) 5

6 OB Selected Focus Areas Recap (pg 2) Current statewide QI efforts do not target the three areas (except elective delivery) because of lack of data ▫Birth certificate data = administrative data ▫WSHA and OB COAP data are chart abstracted but not publically available (WSHA recently published elective deliveries) ▫Elective delivery accomplished because chart abstracted data were sought from hospitals Problem: data availability driving current community quality improvement efforts, not data 6

7 Important Points about OB Goals (pg 2) Process oriented, process improvement more important than a specific target goal First goal: Eliminate elective deliveries under 39 weeks ▫Supports WSHA & Perinatal Collaborative initiative (less than 5%) ▫Data exists to measure because of WSHA and Perinatal initiative Last two goals: Induction and Primary C-section ▫Requires chart abstracted data, no community-wide, baseline data exist ▫Data on individual hospitals induction rate exist ▫National measures do not exist Primary C-section goal vs. NTSV (National C-section measure) 7

8 Primary C-section vs NTSV: See handout 8

9 Questions/Comments/Edits Labor and Delivery Section? Effective Practices? Current Efforts? 9

10 Recommended Actions 5 Areas of Quality Improvement Recommended strategies, by stakeholder group Comments/questions? 10

11 Implementation of Actions Form an implementation committee Comments/questions? 11

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