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Stress, and what to do about it… Presenter: Relaxation Coach, Nikki Ward and

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Presentation on theme: "Stress, and what to do about it… Presenter: Relaxation Coach, Nikki Ward and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress, and what to do about it… Presenter: Relaxation Coach, Nikki Ward and Disclaimer: This presentation does not replace medical advice

2 Effects of Stress

3 What to do about it…

4 Rate Yourself…

5 Awareness… TOP TIPS Stop Multi-Tasking, Just do ONE THING Practice Presence by using mindfulness: – stand on one foot and close your eyes – this keeps you in this moment, right here right now Wash the dishes / shower with presence… stay here now and don’t go project forward or backward

6 Rest… TOP TIPS: DO NOTHING, LIVE WELL Avoid brownout before burnout – learn to say NO. Doing nothing IS doing something. Give yourself permission to do nothing Schedule in rest & regeneration breaks & mini-breaks Napping – 30 minutes between 1-3pm only Repay sleep debt on the front end Stop striving… just live well with what you have.

7 Support… TOP TIPS: BUILD UP YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM; SET A BASE PLATFORM Give yourself permission to ask for help Keep your support structure around you strong Nurture friendships & offer support to others (reinforcing effect) Ian Thorpe had 19 support people around him to help him succeed. Treat yourself when you are well Focus on Wellness – come in for massage, chiro and acupuncture.

8 Exercise… TOP TIPS GET ACTIVE – EXERCISE IS #1 STRESS BUSTER Decreases the stress hormone, CORTISOL (Public Enemy #1) Just get moving, folks….IT FLUSHES STRESS HORMONES Even if you just use incidental exercise to get active. You can do 10 squats while showering You can walk the dog You can park your car on the kerb while emptying the groceries You can use the stairs at work instead of the lift etc. Take carefully chosen vitamin and mineral supplements

9 Nutrition… TOP TIPS: GO RAW; PUMP UP YOUR FRUIT &VEGGIES Follow the 80/20 rule – 80% veggies & 20% fruit Eat fruit 20 minutes before a meal Drink coconut water – 5 x more hydrating than water

10 Attitude… TOP TIPS STOP YOUR TWISTED THINKING; MAKE YOUR HEALTH YOUR PRIORITY Labelling Mind reading Fortune telling Catastrophising LET GO PLAYSHOP:; Workshop 25 th May 2014 – 2pm Axial Building Saturday Afternoon

11 Learning… TOP TIPS: TRY NEW THINGS; WORK WITH OUR WELLNESS, YOGA & MEDITATION TEAM Make small changes, that make big results.

12 NEXT STEPS… LET US SUPPORT YOU ON YOUR WELLNESS JOURNEY Check out the Wellness Centre treatments EFT with Tony Thorne Join us in our Meditation classes at Axial Come on our retreats…

13 THANK YOU …. The next workshop is on… Anxiety & Depression Got any questions?… See us at the Axial Tent outside! We would love to hear from you…

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