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Introduction Hepatitis C Virus

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1 Introduction Hepatitis C Virus
Introduction microRNAs Liver-specific MicroRNA-122 displays position dependent function Christiane Brohm

2 Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Profile
Family: Flaviviridae Genus: Hepacivirus Species: Hepatitis C virus (6 genotypes) Size: nm Genome: (+) ssRNA, ~9.6 kb Prevalence: 130 million patients Therapy: PEG-IFN-a + Ribavirin E1 E2 ss(+) RNA Nucleocapsid (core) Lipid membrane

3 HCV Genome Organisation

4 MicroRNA Mechanism of Action
▪ 21-22nt RNA molecule ▪ Expression of microRNAs in wide range of eukaryotic organisms ▪ Inhibition of mRNA expression by translation repression or mRNA cleavage

5 Liver-specific microRNA: miR-122
RISC complex miR-122 Upregulation of HCV Replication

6 Position-Dependent Function for a Tandem MicroRNA
Aim of the study Analysis of miR-122 function by binding either the 5‘NTR or 3‘NTR. Importance of the location of the miR-122 binding site for mRNA regulation. ▪ 5‘NTR: upregulative function, increased viral RNA amount ▪ 3‘NTR: downregulative function, decreased viral RNA amount Identification of an additional binding site and it‘s effect on reporter-gene expression.

7 5‘ end insertion does not affect protein synthesis
Insertion of complete HCV 5‘NTR in reporter mRNA. After sequestration of miR-122 no downregulation of protein synthesis Synthetic miR-122 did not affect reporter-gene expression in contrast to effects seen with replication-competent HCV genomes. Huh7 cells pHCV.Luc + Oligonucleotides reporter gene assay

8 3‘ end insertion leads to decreased protein synthesis
Insertion of miR-122 binding site at the 3‘ end. After sequestration of miR-122 upregulation of protein synthesis Synthetic miR-122 expression induced decreased reporter-gene expression

9 Second, adjacent binding site for miR-122
Second copy of binding site was inserted in 3‘ end of reporter mRNA. Binding of miR-122 to tandem sites induces a stronger effect on reporter gene expression Mutation of one binding site displays reduced effects Mutation of both sites can only compensated by second site mutations in miR-122 → Tandem sites mediate translational repression

10 Examination of functional role for the second binding site in HCV gene expression
Combination of mutations in either one or both binding sites in a replication-competent HCV genome. → miR-122 interaction at both sites is required for efficient HCV RNA accumulation

11 Can miR-122 function be substituted by other microRNAs?
Exchange of miR-122 binding site with miR-21 binding site in 5‘NTR. → miR-122 complexes have specialized functions in HCV replication or → Substitution of binding site affects sequences essential for genome amplification

12 Role of spacer sequences surrounding binding sites
Do they have an effect on miR-122 binding or viral genome amplification? → Spacer regions (14nt) are highly conserved among HCV genotypes → Contribution to the formation of a replication-competent RNA structure

13 Summary - Insertion of miR-122 binding site in 5‘ end of reporter genomes did not lead to altered protein synthesis. - Whereas 3‘ end insertion induces decreased reporter gene activity, reminiscent of the outcome of a typical microRNA-mRNA interaction - Genetic evidence for presence of 2 functional miR-122 binding sites - Regulation of protein synthesis is mediated by translational repression since mRNA amount were not reduced - Both miR-122 binding sites are required for HCV RNA accumulation in replication-competent genomes - miR-122 function can not be substituted by other microRNAs - Spacer sequences are highly conserved and contribute to the formation of a replication-competent RNA structure

14 Thank‘s for your attention!

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