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Valley Park Induction Day: Planet Zytarg 1 Student Booklet p.23 Teacher Booklet p. 30 Lesson: Show and discuss PowerPoint Pupils answer questions on p.23.

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Presentation on theme: "Valley Park Induction Day: Planet Zytarg 1 Student Booklet p.23 Teacher Booklet p. 30 Lesson: Show and discuss PowerPoint Pupils answer questions on p.23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Valley Park Induction Day: Planet Zytarg 1 Student Booklet p.23 Teacher Booklet p. 30 Lesson: Show and discuss PowerPoint Pupils answer questions on p.23 in booklets

2 The Questions on p.23 (In case anybody doesn’t have their Planet Zytarg New Horizons booklet) My new Headteacher is My College Leader is... and my Student Support Manager is... My Form Tutor is Morning school starts at Morning break starts at Lunch time is from... To... These are the clubs that I would like to join: I need this equipment for my lessons at school: If there is a fire drill I need to go to If I need help I need to ask What d I do if I forget my home work (or forget what it is) Other things I need to know

3 Welcome to Valley Park Community School

4 Important people at Valley Park Executive Head Teacher: Dr. Limbert Head Teacher: Mr. Ashdown Deputy Head Teachers: Mrs Grant and Mrs Gleadall

5 Some of the staff at Valley Park You will belong to a Form Group and a College. You will have a College Leader, a Form Tutor and a Student Support Manager.

6 The Colleges are called:

7 College Leaders and Directors of Learning Mrs Grout and Mrs Taylor-Camm Mr Norwood and Mr Lindvall-Rae Mrs Nicholl-Pierson and Mrs Evans Mr Magee and Miss Strouts Mr Gleadall and Miss Hobbs

8 College Leaders and Year 7 Form Tutors Mrs Grout and Mr Norwood and Mrs Nicholl-Pierson and Mr Magee and Mr Gleadall and

9 College Leaders and Student Support Managers Mrs Grout and Miss Cheeseman Mr Norwood and Miss Turner Mrs Nicholl-Pierson and Miss Dillon Mr Magee and Mrs Eldred Mr Gleadall and Mr Charles

10 Your school day Form time starts at 08.40 (so you need to be at school by 08.30). You can go to the Canteen from 08.00 for breakfast, a drink or just to meet friends! Lessons end at 3.05. After that you can go to lots of different clubs or to the OLC until 5pm.

11 Your Timetable WEEK :DAY: 08.00Breakfast Club opens 08.30Arrive at School 08.40Form Time (20 minutes) 09.00Period 1 10.00Period 2 11.00Break (20 minutes) 11.20Period 3 12.20Period 4 13.20Lunch (40 minutes) 14.00Period 5 15.05Lessons end 15.05-Home-Work Club and After School Clubs

12 Example Days WEEK 1:MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY 08.30 Arrive at School 08.40 Assembly in the Hall Form Time 09.00 Science ANG B5 Maths BP B8 10.00 D&T AF A3 P.E LS Gym 11.00 Break 11.20 Maths SD B7 I.C.T MLR A11 12.20 Dance JM ST6 History KS C1 13.20 Lunch 14.00 English EW C10 Citizenship BA C2 15.05 Lessons end 15.05 After School ClubHome-Work Club

13 Lunch-time and After School Clubs There are lots of clubs which you can do every day at lunch-time or after school. There are sports clubs, animal clubs, learning clubs and arts clubs and you can join as many as you like!

14 Some of the Clubs at Valley Park! Word Shark LitNum Photography The I.T Crowd Fitness in the Gym Music Technology Girls Football Musical Instruments lessons Home-Work Club Cricket Rounders African Drumming Hand Writing Archaeology Athletics D&T Rebound Dance Company

15 The Farm Why don’t you join the farm and become part of the Young Farmers? To join the Young Farmers costs £5 and that lets you spend time on the farm at break, lunch time and the weekends. Speak to Mr Hare. You also get the chance to show animals at the Kent Show.

16 More clubs! What other clubs are there? What are interested in? What clubs would you like to join?

17 Your Equipment Every day you will need to bring: Pencil Case with a Pen, Pencil, Ruler, Protractor, Calculator Also your Reading book, Planner, Laptop and Charger Some days you will need to bring: P.E kit, Dance kit, food (for cooking lessons), sketch books, exercise books You can get a locker to keep your things in (the padlock costs £5 and you can share a locker with a friend).

18 Fire! If there is a Fire or a Fire Drill... 1.Leave the room quickly and quietly 2.Line up in your Form Group in your College in Alphabetical Order on the play grounds 3.Your Form Tutor will take the register 4.Mr Ashdown will tell you when you may go back

19 Help! Things you might need help with: You might feel ill You might feel sad You might have lost something You might have forgotten something You might have a question

20 What could you do if you need help with something? Go to a friend Go to Student Support Go to the Nurse Go to the OLC Go to the I.C.T Technicians Who could you ask for help? Your Friends Your Form Tutor Your Student Support Manager

21 Student Support Each College has an Assistant Head Teacher, a Form Tutor and a Student Support Manager (SSM). The Student Support Managers work in Student Support. As well as your Form Tutors and Teachers, they are there to help you!

22 The OLC The Open Learning Centre The Open Learning Centre is the school library and resource area. It is also a learning area and is used as a classroom.

23 The OLC is open at break, lunchtime and after school for help with your school-work and home- work You can borrow library books to take home There is a book club, writing club and lots of other activities in the OLC All Y7 students take part in the Accelerated Reader scheme Our Open Learning Centre Manager is called Mrs Finch and our assistant Open Learning Centre Manager is called Mr Robinson. Some students also work as student librarians You can also buy school equipment here THE OLC

24 What if you have an accident or don’t feel well? Then you go to the Medical Room to see Mr Chapman or Nurse Liz.

25 We have a Medical Room where Mr Chapman is our full time First-Aider, so he is always on hand to deal with things like bumps and bruises (or blisters from new school shoes!) It is important that if you have asthma you bring a spare inhaler to school on the first day for him to keep in his cupboard, (along with an inhaler to keep in your blazer pocket so that it’s near you at all times) Nurse Liz has a room next door to him, and she helps the students who have more complicated medical needs, and chats to students about how to keep healthy.

26 Home Work You will get a lot more Home-Work at secondary school than you are used to but you will probably get longer time to do it in! You can also go to Home-Work club in the OLC where adults will help you with your home-work! It is very important that you do your home- work to help you with your learning and so that you don’t fall behind in your work. If you don’t do your home-work you will have to attend catch-up sessions and letters will be sent home to your parents.

27 (Explain an example of the Home- Work set in a certain subject) Date set: Date due in: Task: Home Work

28 Other Questions


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