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Focused Medical Examination Dr. Anmar Jamil Mandourah.

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Presentation on theme: "Focused Medical Examination Dr. Anmar Jamil Mandourah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focused Medical Examination Dr. Anmar Jamil Mandourah

2 Responsive Medical Patients Remember that a physical exam is required for all patientsRemember that a physical exam is required for all patients In the responsive patient, assess the body systems associated with the chief complaintIn the responsive patient, assess the body systems associated with the chief complaint eg. if the patient complains of a chest pain there is no need to examine the arms.

3 Responsive Medical Patients D-C-A-P-B-T-L-S acronym Deformities Contusions Abrasions Penetrations Burns Tenderness Lacerations Swelling Reminder of injuries and signs of injuries to look for while assessing.

4 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the head, as necessary(if pain present)Assess the head, as necessary(if pain present)

5 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the neck, as necessaryAssess the neck, as necessary

6 Responsive Medical Patients Assess for JVD, as necessaryAssess for JVD, as necessary JVD should be assessed when the patient is lying at a 45 degree positionJVD should be assessed when the patient is lying at a 45 degree position

7 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the patient’s chest, as necessaryAssess the patient’s chest, as necessary Check for symmetry, and paradoxical or diminished movement.Check for symmetry, and paradoxical or diminished movement. Assess for Accessory muscle useAssess for Accessory muscle use

8 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the breath soundsAssess the breath sounds

9 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the abdomen, as necessaryAssess the abdomen, as necessary

10 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the four quadrants of the abdomen, as necessaryAssess the four quadrants of the abdomen, as necessary Chec if any masses, tenderness or regidity has been foundChec if any masses, tenderness or regidity has been found

11 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the pelvis assess stability.Assess the pelvis assess stability.

12 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the lower extremities, as necessaryAssess the lower extremities, as necessary

13 Responsive Medical Patients Assess pulse, motor, and sensation in the lower extremities, as necessaryAssess pulse, motor, and sensation in the lower extremities, as necessary

14 Responsive Medical Patients Assess the upper extremities, as necessaryAssess the upper extremities, as necessary

15 Emergency Care for Unresponsive Medical Patients

16 Emergency Care Bring the stretcher – give O2- move the patient quickly.Bring the stretcher – give O2- move the patient quickly. Begin transport and assess vital signs.Begin transport and assess vital signs. Complete OPQRST and SAMPLE history.Complete OPQRST and SAMPLE history. Provide Emergency medical care to the area injured.Provide Emergency medical care to the area injured. Interventions for some medical emergenciesInterventions for some medical emergencies inhaler - O2- epinephrine – nitroglycerin- glucose - AED inhaler - O2- epinephrine – nitroglycerin- glucose - AED

17 Unresponsive Medical Patients Complete a rapid head-to-toe assessment, as in the Focused History and Physical Examination: Trauma PatientsComplete a rapid head-to-toe assessment, as in the Focused History and Physical Examination: Trauma Patients

18 Summary Responsive Medical PatientsResponsive Medical Patients –Patient History –Rapid Assessment –Vital Signs –Emergency Care Unresponsive Medical PatientsUnresponsive Medical Patients

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