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A European campaign on Risk Assessment Work-related stress and Risk Assessment.

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1 A European campaign on Risk Assessment Work-related stress and Risk Assessment

2 Work-related stress – a major issue Stress is the second most reported work-related health problem Stress affects nearly one in four EU workers Studies suggest that between 50% and 60% of all lost working days are related to it The economic cost of work-related stress (WRS) in the EU-15 was around EUR 20,000 million in 2002 The number of people suffering from WRS is likely to increase. More information see:

3 Why is this such a big issue? More and more people are affected by WRS, because of: Changes in work design, organisation and management Precarious contracts Job insecurity Increases in workload and speed of work High emotional demands being made of workers Violence and psychological harassment Poor work-life balance.

4 What is work-related stress? People experience stress when they perceive an imbalance between: ►The demands made of them and ►The resources they have available to cope with those demands Stress becomes a risk to safety and health when it is protracted Stress but can lead to mental and physical ill-health.

5 Who is affected? Stress at work can affect: ►Anyone at any level ►In any sector ►In any size of organisation. Stress affects: ►The health and safety of individuals ►The health of organisations ►The health of national economies. Stress can compromise workplace safety, and contribute to other work-related health problems, such as musculoskeletal disorders. Stress significantly affects a company’s bottom line.

6 Symptoms of work-related stress (1) At the organisation level: Absenteeism High staff turnover Disciplinary problems Violence and psychological harassment Reduced productivity Mistakes and accidents Increased costs from compensation or health care

7 Symptoms of work-related stress (2) At the individual level: Emotional reactions (irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, depression, hypochondria, alienation, burnout, family relationship problems) Cognitive reactions (difficulty in concentrating, remembering, learning new things, making decisions) Behavioural reactions (abuse of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, destructive behaviour) Physiological reactions (back problems, weakened immunity, peptic ulcers, heart problems, hypertension).

8 The Law – employers’ responsibilities Legally, employers are obliged to manage WRS just like every other risk to health and safety in the workplace WRS is preventable by taking appropriate action The key to this is Risk Assessment (RA) Employers are legally obliged to carry out regular RAs in the workplace.

9 What is Risk Assessment? RA is the process of evaluating the risks to workers’ safety and health from workplace hazards. It is a systematic examination of all aspects of work that considers: ►What could cause injury or harm ►Whether hazards can be eliminated and, if not, ►What preventive or protective measures need to be in place to control the risks. RA is the basis for successful WRS management.

10 Risk Assessment for stress (1) Whoever carries it out (the employer themselves, an employee designated by the employer or and external assessor), it is essential that employees are consulted and involved in the process. They: ►Know their workplace ►Are the ones who will have to implement any changes in working conditions/ practices It is not possible to determine from the situation alone the amount of stress it may cause.

11 Risk Assessment for stress (2) RA for stress involves the same basic principles and processes as for other occupational risks Different methods are available. But for most businesses, a straightforward five-step approach works well: 1.Identify the hazards and those at risk 2.Evaluate and prioritise the risks 3.Decide on preventive action 4.Take action 5.Monitor and review

12 Step 1: Identify hazards and those at risk (1) Factors to look out for in relation to stress include: Excessive workload or exposure to physical hazards How much control workers have in the way they carry out their work Whether workers understand their roles Relationships, covering issues like harassment and violence What support there is from colleagues and managers, and What training workers need to perform their tasks.

13 Step 1: Identify hazards and those at risk (2) We are all vulnerable, depending on the pressure we are under at any given time The following factors may help to determine who or which groups of workers are most at risk: ►Absenteeism, high staff turnover, aggressive communication, accidents, psychosocial problems, health problems and complaints from workers etc Particular attention should be paid to groups of workers who may be at increased risk, e.g. workers with disabilities, migrant workers, young and older workers.

14 Step 2: Evaluate and prioritise risks Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards identified by considering: ►How likely it is that a hazard will cause harm ►How serious that harm is likely to be ►How often (and how many) workers are exposed to the risk List the risks in order of importance Use the list to draw up an action plan.

15 Step 3: Decide on preventive action (1) Preventing the consequences of WRS is better than reacting to them once they have occurred. The key to preventing WRS lies with the organisation and management of work. Effective measures in preventing WRS include: ►Allowing enough time for workers to perform their tasks ►Providing clear job descriptions ►Rewarding workers for good performance ►Enabling workers to make complaints and have them taken seriously ►Giving workers control over their work.

16 Step 3: Decide on preventive action (2) Effective measures in preventing WRS also include: Minimising physical risks Allowing workers to take part in decisions that affect them Matching workloads to the capabilities and resources of each worker Designing tasks to be stimulating Defining work roles and responsibilities clearly Providing opportunities for social interaction, and Avoiding ambiguity in matters of job security and career development.

17 Step 4: Take action Put in place preventive and protective measures. Effective implementation involves the development of a plan specifying: ►Who does what ►When a task is to be completed ►The means allocated to implement the measures.

18 Step 5: Monitor and review The effectiveness of the measures taken to prevent or reduce WRS should be monitored The assessment should be reviewed: ►Whenever significant changes occur to work design, organisation and management ►If the preventive measures in place are insufficient or no longer adequate ►On a periodic basis to ensure that the findings of the RA are still relevant.

19 Record the Assessment The Risk Assessment must be recorded Such a record can be used to: ►Pass information to the persons concerned (workers, safety representatives, managers etc) ►Assess whether necessary measures have been introduced ►Produce evidence for supervisory authorities ►Revise measures if circumstances change.

20 Where to get help? There is plenty of information and guidance available to help you on the Agency website: ►A WRS Web section including publications and examples of good practice from across the EU: ►An RA Web section including RA tools and checklists: ►Information on WRS specifically for SMEs: ►Information about the RA campaign:

21 Good for you. Good for business. A European campaign on Risk Assessment

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