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Insurance Risk Management for K-12 Schools Jerry D. Loghry MS, ARM, CSP, CPP.

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Presentation on theme: "Insurance Risk Management for K-12 Schools Jerry D. Loghry MS, ARM, CSP, CPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insurance Risk Management for K-12 Schools Jerry D. Loghry MS, ARM, CSP, CPP


3 What is Risk? The possibility for loss! Frequency x Severity Accepting certain Risk can also result in opportunity / gain / profit.

4 Risk Management The process of identifying, assessing, controlling, eliminating, and minimizing unforeseen events that may affect resources or profits.

5 Risk Management Technique - Insurance Major insurance coverages for schools. − Property − Inland Marine − General Liability − Commercial Auto − Workers’ Compensation − Linebacker (D&O) − Crime − Data Compromise − Equipment Breakdown − Violent Acts − Health − Disability − Dental − Vision

6 Loss Control Understanding where losses occur is a key to preventing and mitigating the human and financial costs.

7 Loss Review 12,000 claims per year / 70 million dollars 8 claims per school per year / 47 thousand dollars 60% Workers’ Compensation 22% Commercial Auto 10% Liability 8% Property Data= July 2011 - July 2014

8 Loss Review Severity ($) of claims is different

9 Workers’ Compensation - $90M



12 Property - $74M

13 Liability - $24M

14 Liability (Employment)- $6M

15 Liability (Wrongful Acts)- $4M

16 Commercial Auto - $22M

17 Prevention / Mitigation Workers’ Compensation – Slip and Fall Assessments −Sidewalk / Parking lot maintenance −Winter weather procedures −Floor cleaning −Matting −Footwear −Elevations & Ladders Ergonomic Assessments −Food service −Custodial −Bus maintenance −Office workstations

18 Prevention / Mitigation Property – Roof Maintenance −Gutters and scuppers −Planned replacements −Flashing −Timely repairs Fire Prevention −Automated sprinklers −Flammable storage −Fire doors −Housekeeping −Electrical overload

19 Prevention / Mitigation Liability – Slip and Fall Assessments Accounts receivable & money handling Employment Best Practices −Hiring practices Background and reference checks MVR checks Interviewing −Harassment prevention program −Abuse prevention program −Employment law −Job descriptions −Pre & Post job offer testing Functional capacity Drug screening Psychological −Employee Handbook Policies and procedures

20 Prevention / Mitigation Commercial Auto – Driver selection −Proper licenses −MVR checks −Drug & alcohol testing Training −Backing & parking −Defensive driving Vehicle maintenance Rules and regulations −Distracted driving −Fatigue −Weather Accident reporting & investigation


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