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Suffering Without Suffrage. Women’s Call to Serve With the onset of WWI, women began filling the places of men within the workforce. These vacated jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Suffering Without Suffrage. Women’s Call to Serve With the onset of WWI, women began filling the places of men within the workforce. These vacated jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffering Without Suffrage

2 Women’s Call to Serve With the onset of WWI, women began filling the places of men within the workforce. These vacated jobs were deemed necessary to fulfill the military needs during on going conflict. Factory positions Food production Increase in nurses to aid wounded soldiers This resulted in a large rift between the suffrage movement

3 Effects of Women’s Involvement This resulted in a large rift between the suffrage movement member. Modern feminist- believed in pacifism / no support for WWI Did not agree with women taking up these roles which supported conflict and violence. Alice Paul- Leader of this pacifist movement which protested in differing forms: Large Organized Marches Hunger strikes

4 Continued… A majority of the Suffrage Movement support WWI and the United States’ involvement in it. Women must be involved in war efforts to gain equality in society !!!! Women’s support resulted in: Endorsement of equality by Woodrow Wilson Extension of suffrage movement to (Britain, Austria, Hungary and Germany) The passage of the 19 th Amendment in 1920 ***right to vote***

5 Sheppard- Towner Maternity Act (1921) Law which provided federally financed instruction in maternal and health care. Extended the responsibilities of family welfare in America

6 Economic changes during WWI Many strides were taken during WWI to benefit the American society and meet the needs of the military. Required the federal government to take greater control of the nation’s available resources. Food Administration- Organization headed by Herbert Hoover; responsible for meeting the food needs of the troops. Enacted a policy of “voluntary food rationing” Meatless Mondays, Wheatless Wednesdays Constructing “victory gardens” to supply self-sufficiency

7 Results…. Hoover’s indicatives were successful in meeting the needs of both the people and the military. Increase in both food production and food exports Surpluses of fuels Liberty Loan Drives accumulated $21 billion dollars which paid for the majority o the WWI costs. Led to a great increase in both patriotism and feelings of nationalism,

8 Draft Day… Most citizens were not intending to serve or be called upon for military service. Believed that American navy would be used to ensure freedom in the seas. However, decreasing troops throughout Europe, required the U.S. to establish a large army force. Wilson’s Draft- Congress passed a bill which required the registration of all males between the ages of 18 and 45. No purchases of exemptions were permitted American army increased to 4 million soldiers total !!!

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