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Children of the Loom By: Kayla & Sean. Here are some children working in a factory.

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1 Children of the Loom By: Kayla & Sean

2 Here are some children working in a factory

3 #1 Lack of education effect children because their parents might need them to work to pay for school fees. If the parents never got a proper education they may not be able to get a good paying job therefore they force their kids to work. Death or illness in families can force children to get a job to pay for medicine or food because they will need to take care of younger siblings and take their parents place. Lack of government supervision allows companies to run with their own rules because the government will not check up on them and make sure they are meeting proper requirements Companies use children because they can pay them much less than adults

4 #2 Child labour in a specific Industry  Where in the world is the rug industry happening? South Asia, Pakistan, North India  How many children are in the rug industry? There is roughly around 250 000 children working in South Asia.  What are the working conditions for these children? They are exposed so toxic fumes, inhaling cotton and wool dust, hardworking positions, Poorly designed tools, working in the same position for hours on end, and very stressful working conditions such as: poor lighting, temperature is hard to control and short and terrible rest breaks.

5 #2 How many hours do they work in one day? They can work 16 or more hours a day with only one 30 minute break.  How much do they get paid? The children only get paid $0.21 an hour.  What are their working conditions? They work in a small dark room with limited lighting and a cramped pace with a few other people. From these working conditions it leads them to having diseases and deformities.

6 #3

7 #4 They worked very long and hard days Most of the children had to work because they had no choice and their family's needed the money to survive, or there had been a death in the family and all the members needed to be working. The wages were too low for any family to truly live off of, so the food they woluld buy would not be very nutritious or good for them. They were exposed to very toxic fumes as in wool particles that fly around. They were exposed to poor lighting creating bad vision or blindness.

8 #5 Solutions The first solution would be to not purchase any items from the companies that is selling the products The second would be to Get the word out, let people know that this is going on and we need all the help we can get And the last one would be to donate and support this great website & charity called “Good Weave”. They are helping stop the child slavery in the rug industry, and they make their own rugs with a 100% no children slavery that worked on it.


10 Citations

11 "Iqbal Masih." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Nov. 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. Nashrulla, Tasneem. "This Report About Slavery And Child Labor In India's Handmade Carpet Industry Will Horrify You." BuzzFeed. 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014..

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