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Transnationality and Interregionality or how to connect projects and other ESF actors all over Europe Mr Johannes Wikman.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnationality and Interregionality or how to connect projects and other ESF actors all over Europe Mr Johannes Wikman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnationality and Interregionality or how to connect projects and other ESF actors all over Europe Mr Johannes Wikman

2 Is it possible for us to have a transnational partner outside of ESF funding? For a joint development of a product. Can all of the costs be paid by one partner (us) if the difference in financial ability is big? Can we collaborate with a project in any Member State? What kind of help can we expect when we encounter problems with transnationality? Do all countries work with the same ESF content in their programmes? How do find out what is planned in ESF in other MS? If I dont know or can find a transnational partner on my own, how can I get help? What kind of activities are useful when planning transnational work? Questions that you may encounter in Transnational cooperation.

3 A total of 117 ESF programmes have been approved. 42 of the 117 programmes have a separate dedicated priority on Transnationality. The money in these 42 dedicated priorities adds up to almost 1,5 Billion In addition the remaining 75 ESF programmes contains transnationality as a horizontal theme to a larger or smaller degree and adds up to another 1,5 Billion. The total reaching 3 Billion for transnationality in ESF 2007-2013. Launch for proposals on Transnationality already started (F, Cz,) Situation on Transnationality in EU27 March 2007.

4 Sweden. One single ESF programme. 8 Regional plans Transnationality possible in all activities (horizontal approach) but with particular focus on innovation and mainstreaming. Schedule and content of calls for proposals decided at regional level. 90% of funding allocated regionally. 10% nationally. Max 20% of mixed projectbudget to Transn.

5 Finland Two ESF programmes Åland and the Rest of Finland. Transnationality both horizontally and as a separate priority in the finnish programme. 9% of ESF budget to Transnational activities. Partnership principle will be applied in all transnational actions.

6 Spain 3 National ESF programmes each with TN priority 19 Regional ESF programmes out of which 10 has Transnationality as a priority. The other 9 horizontally but at different degrees and for different content. Spain will have a national coordination to support transnationality. Also has taken steps towards common EU thematic work. (Roma)

7 Italy 24 ESF programmes. Independent regions. Horizontal transnational approach with regional decisions. One region coordinates one or more topics in the programme. The Trento region coordinates Transnational cooperation.

8 United Kingdom 4 independent regions all with a horizontal approach to Transnational cooperation. England (12 programmes, 1 with Transnationality) Scotland 2 programmes with TN Wales 2 programmes with TN Northern Ireland 1 programme with TN No coordination established yet

9 France One single ESF programme. Horizontal approach to TN. 14% nationally 86% regonally. 4,5 milj /år to TN from priority 4 that is TN innovation, partnership and social dialogue. (9% of programme)

10 Poland 20% of all ESF funds in the EU 60% of funds regional, 40% national. 1 national coordinator 21 intermediate agencies with contact persons for TN in each. Horizontal transnational approach Both Transnationality as part of national projects or pure transnational projects.

11 So how do we share and collaborate the differences and possibilities between ourselves?

12 The new ESF strongly focuses on good governance and partnership across Europe. This CoP supports the ESF management by: exchange approaches and deal with challenges faced by programme and project managers establish an online platform to facilitate discussion and problemsolving provide guidance and building institutional capacity for those involved in the new ESF 2007-2013 contribute to develop a tool for partner search to promote strategic contact at both project and programme level Why a CoP on transnational exchange and cooperation?

13 The primary purpose of the CoP is to facilitate transnational exchange and cooperation between programme managers of ESF programmes from all Member States. The community content draws on the experience and active contribution of its members. By sharing little of your knowledge or concern here, you can access knowledge from all of Europe to assist you in your work. The practical support and the tools available in this CoP can also be useful as well at project level as outside the ESF programmes. Training, On line forum, documents etc. WHAT ?

14 The purpose of the CoP is to professionalise the transnational implementation of ESF programmes by providing a collaborative environment to exchange experience and good practice, access to a library and expert advice, possible collaboration, partner search etc. Therefore all transnational contact points should be abale to actively participate in the CoP WHO ?

15 Since Dec 2006 an operational team (8 MS) From Feb 2008, 1 repr from every MS (all 27) From June 2008, all relevant programme managers involved with TN issues (perhaps several per MS) Starting with a learning seminar. WHEN ?

16 Register in the online website HOW ?


18 Questions and comments!

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