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SAFETEA-LU Changes  Exemption of the Interstate System from Section 4(f) [Section 6007]  de minimis impacts to historic sites [Section 6009(a)]  de.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETEA-LU Changes  Exemption of the Interstate System from Section 4(f) [Section 6007]  de minimis impacts to historic sites [Section 6009(a)]  de."— Presentation transcript:


2 SAFETEA-LU Changes  Exemption of the Interstate System from Section 4(f) [Section 6007]  de minimis impacts to historic sites [Section 6009(a)]  de minimis impacts to parks, recreation areas, and refuges [Section 6009(a)]  Clarification of feasible and prudent standard [Section 6009(b)]

3 23 CFR 774  Implementing SAFETEA-LU changes  Revised current Section 4(f) from 771  March 12, 2008  June 3, 2008

4 Exceptions  Restoration, rehab, maintenance of transportation facilities – Including the Interstate System  Archaeological sites important for data recovery  Late changes  Temporary Impacts  Park road or Parkway  Certain trails, paths, sidewalks  Transportation Enhancement & Mitigation

5 Current Law (a) Declaration of Policy The Secretary shall not approve any project which requires the “use" of any significant 4(f) property unless: (1)There is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land, and; (2)Such project includes all possible planning to minimize harm resulting from such use (b) de minimis impacts

6 de minimis  SAFETEA-LU established de minimis  Simplified processing and approval of a transportation use of a resource  Allows for consideration of impact avoidance, minimization, mitigation or enhancements

7 de minimis  Can apply to any level of NEPA documentation  Does not replace Programmatic or Individual evaluations  Another tool in the toolbox

8 de minimis  Temporary “Use” Can be applied for use that is adverse  Multiple Resources Each resource is considered separately No project-wide consideration Mitigation for each individual resource

9 Recreational de minimis  Concurrence from Official(s) with Jurisdiction  Public Involvement  Press Release  de minimis finding issued by OES staff

10 Cultural  Determination of “no adverse effect” or “no historic properties affected”  Concurrence with SHPO about the effect (intent to apply de minimis)  FHWA has considered views of consulting parties  Public Involvement included in Section 106  de minimis finding is issued by OES staff

11 de minimis at ODOT  2009-2010  Cultural de minimis - 8  Recreation de minimis - 12

12 Section 4(f) Submittal  Project Description  Purpose & Need  Description of the resource & impacts  Discussion of avoidance, mitigation minimization, or enhancements  Public Involvement Materials for de minimis Press Release (for parks, recreation areas, refuge areas only)  Coordination with Official(s) with Jurisdiction  Mapping & Photographs

13 Section 4(f) Toolkit  nvironment/NEPA_policy_issues/4F_6F/Pages/Secti on4(f)Toolkit.aspx nvironment/NEPA_policy_issues/4F_6F/Pages/Secti on4(f)Toolkit.aspx  Companion to Training  Course Materials, Background/History, Determining Applicability, de minimis, Programmatic Evaluations, Programmatic Agreement, Check Lists, Charts & Graphics

14 Other Toolkits  Purpose & Need Toolkit  nvironment/training/Pages/PurposeNeedToolkit.asp x nvironment/training/Pages/PurposeNeedToolkit.asp x  Planned Section 106 Toolkit

15 Programmatic Agreement  ODOT has first Section 4(f) Programmatic in US  Few others executed since  Dated October 10, 2001  Planned Update in 2011

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