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Chapter 13 Maintaining Windows. O BJECTIVES FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL LESSONS Learn how to set up and perform scheduled preventive maintenance tasks to keep.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 Maintaining Windows. O BJECTIVES FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL LESSONS Learn how to set up and perform scheduled preventive maintenance tasks to keep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 Maintaining Windows

2 O BJECTIVES FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL LESSONS Learn how to set up and perform scheduled preventive maintenance tasks to keep Windows healthy--Today Learn how to prepare for disaster by keeping good backups of use data and Windows system files Learn about the directory structures used by Windows and how to manage files and folders Learn how to use Windows utilities to manage hard drives 2

3 S CHEDULED P REVENTIVE M AINTENANCE Windows gets tired after awhile so you will need to do Preventive Maintenance Alleviates slow computer performance 3

4 Y OUR JOB TODAY Each time I ask you to go through a process on your computer make a print screen of how you did this and put it in a word document to email to me----100 points on lab grade.

5 1. V ERIFY C RITICAL W INDOWS S ETTINGS Help user by explaining: Automatic Windows updates are very important How to manually check for and install updates Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Click System and Security, click System, and then click the Windows Updates tab. Click the option that you want. Make sure Automatic Updates is not turned off. Do this now and make a print screen of what you see 5

6 V ERIFY C RITICAL W INDOWS S ETTINGS ( CONT ’ D.) This what you should have seen or something similar AND 6


8 C LEAN U P THE H ARD D RIVE Delete unneeded files occasionally Windows requires some hard drive free space to function to do the following Normal operation, defragmenting drives, burning CDs and DVDs, and other tasks 8

9 C LEAN U P THE H ARD D RIVE ( CONT ’ D.) Yikes this drive only has 1.2G bytes of free space. All computers need at least 3 Gigs Use disk cleanup to Do this now and save a print screen of the process 9

10 D ISK CLEANUP This is what you should have seen 10

11 D EFRAG THE H ARD D RIVE Fragmentation can slow things down also Files fragmented in segments all over the drive Reasons to defrag Read-write head moves all over to retrieve a file Data-recovery utilities may not work 11

12 D EFRAG THE H ARD D RIVE ( CONT ’ D.) Do this now. Right click on computer properties the tools and click defrag now Click analyze disk --defrag the disk if it needs it. Save a print screen of this also 12


14 C HECK THE H ARD D RIVE FOR E RRORS Chkdsk utility Searches for bad sectors on a volume Recovers data if possible Error checking and repair time Potentially long depending on drive size and files Methods to launch Chkdsk utility Drive Properties box Chkdsk command in a command prompt window 14

15 Do this now and complete a print screen This is what you should see 15

16 V ERIFY S TARTUP P ROGRAMS Software programs Add themselves to automatic startup list Shortcut or program file in a startup folder Registry entry Scheduled Task list entry Problem with too may startup programs Slow system startup, sluggish system, startup errors Problem solution Remove unnecessary programs 16

17 V ERIFY S TARTUP P ROGRAMS ( CONT ’ D.) How—Like this –Do it and record your results with print screen Go to windows site and find Autoruns for windows And clear the check boxes of the programs you don’t want to run OR Type in msconfig and go to startup on the menu 17

18 18 This what you should see if you used msconfig

19 F REE U P A DDITIONAL H ARD D RIVE S PACE Windows Explorer Displays drive free space Rule of thumb Shoot for 15 percent of drive free Move data to other drives or devices Use folder compressions 19

20 F REE U P A DDITIONAL H ARD D RIVE S PACE ( CONT ’ D.) Reorganize folders and volumes Move applications Most require reinstall 20

21 Move virtual memory paging file This file is called virtual memory—remember that??? Windows Pagefile.sys is its actual name Hidden file stored in C drive root directory You can move it to save space on the C drive It is found by doing the following—do this now and do a printscreen of what you did Got to system properties click on performance settings and then on advanced 21

22 Your screen should look similar to this: 22

23 F REE U P A DDITIONAL H ARD D RIVE S PACE ( CONT ’ D.) Limit space used by Internet Explorer (IE) or any other browser you use Reduce IE cache file space Move cache folder to a second volume (if available) Set IE to empty cache folder when browser closes If more space is still needed, add another hard drive 23

24 24 Do this and a print screen

25 E MAIL ME YOUR RESULTS You should have a print screen of each part that we talked about to get an A 25

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