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IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL… British Empire: 1750-1763.

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1 IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL… British Empire: 1750-1763

2 King George’s War (don’t copy) Britain and France are still frenemies Austria changes allegiance to France Prussia allies with England Result: tension-filled peace

3 1750-1754 Ohio Valley is in demand  Virginia  Pennsylvania  France  Iroquois Confederacy (six tribes now)  Native Americans who live there

4 1750-1754 (cont) Britain – VA and PA traders strengthen British influence France builds a chain of forts in 1753 Virginia sends George Washington to negotiate France’s evacuation France says, “no thanks”

5 1750-1754 (cont) Albany Congress – Seven Colonies persuade Iroquois Confederacy nations to remain friendly with British at least **IMPORTANT** Delegates endorse proposal for colonial confederation (Albany Plan of the Union)  Ben Franklin (PA)  Thomas Hutchinson (MA)

6 Albany Congress

7 Albany Congress (cont) APU outlined a plan for a “grand Council” representing all colonial assemblies with a crown- appointed president general as its executive officer. Council with develop coordinated policies regarding military defense and Indian affairs which the colonies would fund according to an agreed upon formula.  Enduring Vision, p. 123

8 French & Indian War (Seven Years’ War) Washington’s activity sparks the war (1754) Britain sends 1,000 troops to North America

9 French & Indian War (Seven Years’ War) July 9, 1755 – Natives, French, and Canadians join French hold the British off for 3 years Britain has more numbers, but France and Native American allies capture Ft. Oswego on Lake Ontario (1756) and Ft. Henry on Lake George (1757)

10 French & Indian War TWO huge developments for Britain  Iroquois become disgruntled with France  1758 side with England  William Pitt takes over control of military affairs in British Cabinet  Puts burden of fighting on Colonies, but financial burden on Parliament

11 French & Indian War Troops under General Amherst capture Ft. Duquesne & Louisbourg in 1758 1759 French leave northern NY state September 1759 – French commander-in-chief Montcalm is defeated French stop fighting in 1760 when Montreal surrenders

12 French & Indian War 1763 (a big year for Britain!) 2/10/1763 – Treaty of Paris officially ends the war April – Ottawa Chief Pontiac unites Native tribes in an offense against British 10/7/1763 – King George III signs Proclamation of 1763 reserving land west of Allegheny Mountains for Native Americans (AKA Proclamation Line)

13 French & Indian War

14 Seven Years’ War

15 Sparks Fly…Tensions Run High British and Colonial troops don’t like each other British and Colonial civilians don’t like each other  Colonists don’t like housing and feeding “arrogant” British troops  King views this as undermining his authority and effort to defend territories

16 Sparks Fly…Tensions Run High British living in England are angry with Pitt Colonists profited from war; Britain sinks into debt (during war) Colonists prosper – buy British goods – increase British manufacturing – increases Britain’s economy What happened when war ended…?

17 Sparks Fly…Tensions Run High Natives want French to come back New Native/Colonial skirmishes drive debt higher  Pontiac’s Rebellion  1763 – Delaware, Ottawa, and Pontiac attack eight British forts near Great Lakes  Lasts about 3 years  King George III issues Proclamation of 1763

18 North America after 1763

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