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The Effects of the French and Indian War

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1 The Effects of the French and Indian War
By Maretta Morovitz

2 Thesis In the years following the French and Indian War, the period of salutary neglect ended, leading to increased regulations and taxes on the colonies, and further deteriorating relations between the British Empire and her colonies.

3 The War French and Indian War
Late 17th Cent. = War between French, Spanish, English Series of wars – worldwide ( ) Fourth war (fighting begins in colonies and spreads to Europe) Colonies = French and Indian War Europe = Seven Years’ War

4 The War (Cont.) F & I War beginning
British believe French provoke – forts in Ohio River Valley Initially bad for British Defeats in Virginia and Canada Albany Plan of Union – coordinated colonial defense  precedent for later action F & I War End Concentration on Canada Peace of Paris GB gets French Canada and Spanish FL. France gives Spain Louisiana and claims West of Mississippi River

5 Video

6 Effects of F & I War on European Nations
GB unchallenged control of North America All land east of the Mississippi River, and much of present-day Canada Powerful navy Reduced threat of attacks by French, Spanish, and Native Americans France & Spain Allies Spain gave Florida to GB To compensate, France gave Spain the Louisiana territory France left with only islands close to Canada and in the Caribbean


8 Effects of F & I War on Colonies
Army needed supplies Iron workers, shipbuilders, and famers profited Colonies gain FL No longer refuge for escaped slaves New lands, free from old enemies, open to exploration and settlement War record = sense of unity and pride for colonists

9 British viewpoint Low opinion of American military Money:
Poorly trained Disorderly Could not defend new expanded frontier Money: some colonies did not contribute troops or money High war debt

10 Colonial Viewpoint High opinion of colonial military
Proud of war records Confident could provide for own defense Unimpressed by GB military Warfare methods incompatible with American terrain (woods vs. open fields) Look forward to settling new lands gained from war

11 Result of these competing viewpoints
End of salutary neglect Occupied by war and political turmoil in England, GB had little control over daily government in the colonies Allowed trade and Navigation Acts to go unenforced High War debts + cost of maintaining army in colonies King George III and Whigs turns to colonies for funds

12 Pontiac’s Rebellion 1763 First test of British Imperial Policy Chief Pontiac led a major attack against the colonies in response to encroachment of colonial settlements on western frontier Alliance of Native Americans in OH Valley destroy settlements – NY  VA British respond with British not colonial troops

13 Proclamation of 1763 Prohibited colonial settlement west of Appalachian Mountains GB hoped this would prevent conflict between Natives and settlers Colonists enraged – eager to settle new lands Ignored Proclamation

14 Trade and Navigation Acts
1651, 1660, 1663, 1673 Exports to England only on English of colonial-built ships Crews must be English or colonial Certain exports only to England “enumerated goods” Originally only tobacco, but list later expanded to most colonial exports Indirect tax on certain goods Effect: smuggling During salutary neglect-British look the other way, and many British agents = corrupt After salutary neglect-British take a stronger stance to enforce acts  1684 repeal MA Bay charter

15 Other Acts and Taxes Sugar (Revenue) Act – 1764 Quartering Act - 1765
Tax on sugar Raise money for GB Other law  Stricter stance on Navigation Acts – smugglers tried in admiralty courts w/o juries Quartering Act Food and living for British soldiers Stamp Act – 1765 Direct tax Revenue stamp on al legal documents, newspapers, ads, and other published papers

16 WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? The French and Indian War polarized GB and the colonies GB in debt – turn to the colonies for financial help Acts and taxes Colonies not happy REVOLUTION!

17 Works cited Amsco: Preparing for the AP History Exam

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