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ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Grade Level: 5 th Specific Form of Writing: Business Letters Kristi Register Marie Holtzclaw 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Grade Level: 5 th Specific Form of Writing: Business Letters Kristi Register Marie Holtzclaw 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Grade Level: 5 th Specific Form of Writing: Business Letters Kristi Register Marie Holtzclaw 1

2 ECED 4300 B Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Grade Level: 5 th Specific Form of Writing: Business Letters Kristi Register Marie Holtzclaw 2

3 GPS and PLO ELA5W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. Stages of Writing: Prewriting and Drafting 3

4 4 c. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to a specific purpose, audience, and context. The student produces informational writing (e.g., report, procedures, correspondence) that:

5 GPS and PLO Continued ELA5W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing. 5

6 GPS and PLO Continued The student c. Uses various reference materials (i.e.,dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, electronic information, almanac, atlas, magazines, newspapers) as aids to writing. 6

7 GPS and PLO Continued A.The students will complete a Business Letter Graphic Organizer. B.The students will use their graphic organizer to help them write a Business Letter draft. 7

8 Form of Writing: Business Letter A business letter is a formal letter that allows the writer to communicate with another individual. 8

9 Form of Writing: Continued It can be used to inform someone, persuade someone to do something, motivate someone, or promote a particular idea or product. 9

10 Stages of Writing: Prewriting – Prewriting is deciding who is receiving the letter and making sure to have all the needed parts (audience, heading, address of person receiving the letter, greetings, date, body, closing, signature) to write the letter. 10

11 Stages of Writing: Continued Drafting – Drafting is using the information from the graphic organizer to create a business letter. 11

12 Business Letter Graphic Organizer TFK/hh/writeideas/articles/0, 19900,634423,00.html 12

13 Reference for Graphic Organizer Time for Kids Homework Helper (2004). Business Letter Organizer. Retrieved October 23, 2007, from hh/writeideas/articles/0,19900,63 4423,00.html hh/writeideas/articles/0,19900,63 4423,00.html 13

14 APA Citation Time for Kids Homework Helper (2004). Business Letter Organizer Retrieved October 23, 2007 from hh/writeideas/articles/0,19900,6 34423,00.html hh/writeideas/articles/0,19900,6 34423,00.html 14

15 Practice Activity Using the Time for Kids letter organizer students will, as a group, use the organizer to help organize their thoughts for the business letter. 15

16 Assessment Activity Students will complete their own business letter organizer. 16

17 APA Citation ReadWriteThink (2003). Students Materials: Letter Generator. Retrieved on October 23, 2007 from, s/letter_generator/ s/letter_generator/ 17

18 Practice Activity Using the Letter Generator, the students will help the teacher create a business letter. 18

19 Assessment Activity Using their assessment graphic organizer, students will create their own business letter. 19

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