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The Southern Ute Indian Tribe and Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "The Southern Ute Indian Tribe and Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Southern Ute Indian Tribe and Climate Change

2 Greetings!

3 Reservation Boundaries

4 Southern Ute Indian Tribe Climate Change Initiatives – Employs Environmental Programs Staff Five Air Quality Program personnel. – Developed Reservation Air Code/Developing Air Permitting Program Title V in application packet near complete / minor sources currently being drafted – Ambient monitoring sites Collect useful background data – Conduct Emissions Inventories – Member of The Climate Registry Founding member and representative on the Board of Directors to represent Native American Tribal concerns and priorities

5 What is The Climate Registry (TCR)? MISSION: To create a platform for credible, highly transparent, and comprehensive GHG emissions reporting in North America MEMBERS: 39 States, 3 Indian tribes, 7 Canadian Provinces 6 Mexican states REPORTERS: 53+ Reporters

6 The Climate Registry Goals: Southern Ute Participation Board of Directors Create a single consistent, GHG accounting tool Influence future GHG reporting—create a model for uniform GHG reporting across North America Document verified early-action Establish a base for mandatory state/provincial GHG reporting programs Provide opportunities for learning, collaboration, and capacity- building on GHG policy

7 What are the core reporting requirements? The General Reporting Protocol is based on WRI/WBCSD’s GHG Protocol and requires: – Annual reporting of six GHGs – Distinct reporting of direct and indirect emissions – Facility level reporting for all North American facilities – Independent third-party verification – Public reporting of emissions records

8 GHG Reporting Options Reporting Options: – Transitional reporting permitted for 2 years – Worldwide emissions reporting – Organizational boundary defined by equity-share, financial and/or operational control – Reporting of historical data – Simplified estimation of hard-to-measure emissions – (up to 5% of total emissions)

9 Where does TCR belong in the list of existing, voluntary climate programs? GHG REGISTRIES CA Climate Action Registry The Climate Registry GHG REDUCTION PROGRAMS EPA Climate Leaders DOE 1605b/Climate Vision TRADING PROGRAMS Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) INVESTOR DISCLOSURE Global Reporting Initiative Carbon Disclosure Project SEC 10-K (Potentially)

10 TCR Development Feb 2008:Regional public workshops on GRP and VP Feb 1, 2008Verification Protocol released for public comment March 2008General Reporting Protocol finalized March 2008New website and software demo available Ongoing: Development of industry- and project-specific protocols Ongoing: Development of options for TCR/state collaboration on mandatory reporting

11 For more information: Allison Reilly (617) 259.2012 -or- Michelle Manion (617) 259.2033

12 Contact Info: Southern Ute Indian Tribe Air Quality Program P.O. Box 737 Ignacio CO 81137 Tele: 970.563.4705 Email:

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