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Welcome to 2 nd Grade Curriculum Night September 10, 2012 Mrs. Basford Mrs. Blackburn Mrs. Burnette Mrs. Doss Mrs. Harp Mrs. Shaner Mrs. Trierweiler.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2 nd Grade Curriculum Night September 10, 2012 Mrs. Basford Mrs. Blackburn Mrs. Burnette Mrs. Doss Mrs. Harp Mrs. Shaner Mrs. Trierweiler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2 nd Grade Curriculum Night September 10, 2012 Mrs. Basford Mrs. Blackburn Mrs. Burnette Mrs. Doss Mrs. Harp Mrs. Shaner Mrs. Trierweiler


3 Procedures and Weekly Performance Report Mrs. Trierweiler

4 Procedures  Snack – Send a healthy snack each day.  Lunch Money – Use PAMS or send money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and lunch number written on the front.  Transportation Changes - Call the office before 2:00. Please do not email changes.  Contacting Teachers – We will return emails and phone calls within 24 hours.  Conferences – We look forward to meeting with all parents by the end of the 1 st 9 weeks. Teachers will notify parents when it is time to schedule individual conferences.

5 Weekly Progress Report  Additional way of communicating  Work / Study and Behavior Grades  Additional comments/reminders  Please sign and return each Thursday.

6 Grading, Activity Fee, and Common Core Mrs. Doss

7 Grading  Scale: 100%-90% = A 89%-80%= B 79%-70 = C 69%-60% = D 59% and below = F  Any paper with a letter grade or percentage will be counted towards the report card grade.  Papers with a star, check, smiley face, or D.T written at the top were completed together or used as practice.

8 Activity Fee $50 due August 30 th  Weekly Reader  High Touch/ High Tech (fall/spring)  Mission San Luis – November 16th  Joe Budd – March 27 th, 28 th, 29 th  Field Day T-Shirt  Other miscellaneous activities  Volunteer form is required before a chaperone is allowed to attend a field trip.

9 Common Core State Standards  Adopted by 48 states  Full implementation by 2014  FCAT will be replaced by PARC in 2014 (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers)  Require higher level thinking and application in all subject areas  A stronger correlation between subject areas

10 Homework Mrs. Shaner

11 Homework  Purpose – Homework is designed to allow students to have independent practice, promote good study habits, and foster responsibility.  Procedure – Assignments will go home each Friday and are due the following Thursday. Incomplete assignments will not receive full credit.

12 Homework  Parent Involvement *Create a quiet work environment. *Keep notebook paper, pencils, crayons, glue, and scissors on hand. *Allow child to work independently. *Check over your child’s work. *Child makes corrections before turning it in on Thursday. * Don’t wait until the last minute.

13 Homework  Assignments *Reading Log – 105 Minutes each week *Spelling Worksheet *Math Worksheet *Study for spelling test (Thursdays) *Other assignments as needed

14 Reading Mrs. Blackburn

15 Reading  Imagine It! * Fluency – words read per minute * Decoding – “sounding” out words * Comprehension – understanding what is read * Explicitly stated information -right there in the text -lower level thinking * Implicitly stated information - draw from clues in the text - higher level thinking

16 Walk and Read  Grouping *Students are grouped based on individual needs. * You’re child’s placement will be discussed at your child’s first conference. *Teachers evaluate student progress and make adjustments accordingly. *Contact your child’s teacher for questions about your child’s placement.

17 Reading  Assessments *Imagine It weekly tests *Weekly Cold Reads  Progress Monitoring *Fluency Checks every 5 weeks *Comprehension Checks every 5 weeks

18 Reading – Accelerated Reader * Students select books based on their reading level. *Students read books independently. *Students take a comprehension test on the computer and earn points. *Teachers monitor student progress and reward students. *All students are expected to take at least one AR test each week. * Each child will have individual point goals.

19 Math Mrs. Harp

20 Math  Go Math! *The instructional techniques are somewhat different than in years past. *We will cover all Sunshine State Standards as well as Common Core State Standards. *Students will be enriched and remediated through classroom activities as well as Success Maker 5.

21 Math  Go Math! *You and your child can go on line to access enrichment materials as well as review activities. *Students are required to know the basic addition and subtraction facts through 20 with fluency.

22 Writing Mrs. Basford

23 Writing 1st Nine Weeks – Grammar/Punctuation 2 nd Nine Weeks – Opinion 3 rd Nine Weeks – Informative/Explanatory 4 th Nine Weeks – Narrative *Grammar and punctuation will be taught throughout the year.

24 Success Maker Mrs. Burnette

25 Success Maker 5  Three times a week for 45 minutes  Used to enrich AND remediate  Individualized instruction  Teachers will monitor progress and can base instruction on students’ needs.  Scores of 65%-85% are acceptable.

26 Thank You! “Our greatest natural resource Is the minds of our children.” -Walter Elias Disney

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