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Kenneth L. Morckel Director, Ohio Department of Public Safety Chair, State of Ohio Security Task Force State… Local… Federal…

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Presentation on theme: "Kenneth L. Morckel Director, Ohio Department of Public Safety Chair, State of Ohio Security Task Force State… Local… Federal…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kenneth L. Morckel Director, Ohio Department of Public Safety Chair, State of Ohio Security Task Force State… Local… Federal…

2 Terrorist threats did not start on 9/11/01

3 Cold War Era War on Communism Post -Cold War Era War on Terrorism 19891989 9/11/019/11/01 Nation-State adversaries Focus on COMMUNISM Threat of global nuclear war Dangerous but relatively predictable Forward defense Short of global war, U.S. homeland perceived as secure from any major threat Fewer Nation-State adversaries No “peer competitor;” U.S. is the only remaining “superpower” Trans-national extremist groups Globalization Development and proliferation of “dual-use technologies” … WMD Increased use of tactical TERRORISM Homeland is non-secure and at risk National Security Environment

4 U.S. Government U.S. Government Veterans Affairs Dept. of The Treasury Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Dept. of State Health & Human Services Housing & Urban Development Housing & Urban Development Dept. of The Interior Dept. of The Interior Dept. of Justice Homeland Security Dept. of Labor Dept. of Labor Dept. of Defense Dept. of Education Dept. of Energy Dept. of Agriculture Dept. of Commerce President Vice President Executive Office President Vice President Executive Office

5 Secretary --------------------- Deputy Secretary State and Local Coordination Special Assistant to the Secretary National Capital Region Coordination Shared Services Legislative Affairs Public Affairs Executive Secretary Department of Homeland Security Civil Rights & Liberties Director of the Secret Service International Affairs Counter Narcotics Inspector General General Counsel Commandant of Coast Guard Chief of Staff Small & Disadvantaged Business Privacy Officer Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services Citizenship & Immigration Service Ombudsman Management - Under Secretary Janet Hale Science and Technology - Under Secretary Dr. Charles E. McQueary Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection - Under Secretary Frank Libutti Border & Transportation Security - Under Secretary Asa Hutchinson Emergency Preparedness and Response - Under Secretary Michael D. Brown


7 State of Ohio Security Task Force State of Ohio Security Task Force

8 Mission Statement  Mission Statement  Plan, develop and coordinate statewide resources in support of public and private entities responsible for preventing terrorism, raising awareness, reducing vulnerabilities, responding to and recovering from terrorist acts Vision Statement  Vision Statement  A culture of collaborative partnerships ensuring Ohio’s Homeland Security Homeland Security Task Force Homeland Security Task Force

9  Ensure the development of capabilities to protect and defend Ohio against terrorist attacks and other catastrophic events  Assess and reduce the vulnerabilities of Ohio’s critical infrastructure, key assets and cyber security systems  Detect and analyze threats and intelligence information in order to anticipate, preempt and deter attacks on Ohio  Seek out and provide the resources and training necessary to ensure state and local preparedness in response to large- scale emergencies and to ensure the ability to mount a swift and effective recovery effort  Provide for interagency coordination and cooperation, taking advantage of all available resources SOSTF Goals

10 Buckeye State Sheriff’s Assoc. Ohio Assoc. of Chiefs of Police Criminal Justice Affairs Office of Criminal Justice Services State Fire Marshal Ohio State Firefighters Ohio Professional Firefighters Ohio Fire Chief’s Association Ohio EMA EMA Association Ohio EMS American College of Emergency Physicians Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Ohio Dept. of Administrative Services/MARCS Ohio EPA BCI&I Ohio Dept. of Rehab and Corrections Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission Ohio Department of Health Office of Law Enforcement Technical Commercialization Willoughby Fire Department Upper Arlington Police Dept. Columbus Police Dept. Montgomery County Sheriff First Responders Workgroup Chair: Colonel Paul McClellan Superintendent - Ohio State Highway Patrol

11 Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police Office of Criminal Justice Services Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association Fraternal Order of Police State Fire Marshal Ohio Fire Chiefs Association Ohio State Firefighters Association Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters Ohio Department of Public Safety Ohio Department of Health Ohio EMS Ohio EMA Funding Workgroup Co-Chairs: Dale Shipley, Ohio EMA Karen Huey, Office of Criminal Justice Services

12 Co-Chairs: Susan Raber, Dept. of Public Safety Sally Wagner, State Fire Marshal’s Office Adjutant General Ohio EMA Criminal Justice Services Attorney General Community Service Council Dept. of Administrative Services Dept. of Agriculture Dept. of Education Dept. of Health Dept. of Insurance Dept. of Mental Health Dept. of Natural Resources Dept. of Transportation Ohio EMS Ohio EPA Ohio Highway Patrol PUCO Public Information Workgroup

13 Chair: Kitty Burcsu Funding Recipients Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Directors Assoc. (RSVP) Ohio Volunteer Centers Association Emergency Management Association of Ohio Funding Sources Ohio EMA Ohio Dept. of Health Ohio EMS Office of the Attorney General Ohio National Guard Ohio Highway Patrol State Fire Marshal Ohio Citizen Corps Council

14 Bureau of Motor Vehicles Investigative Unit Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services Administration Emergency Management Agency State Highway Patrol Director Homeland Security Homeland Security Assistant Director Ohio Dept. of Public Safety Ohio Dept. of Public Safety

15 Office of Infrastructure Protection Office of Domestic Preparedness Office of Counter Terrorism Director Ohio Division of Homeland Security Ohio Division of Homeland Security Chief Administrative Officer

16 Ohio Homeland Security Strategic Plan Ohio Homeland Security Strategic Plan Critical Mission Areas Detection and Prevention Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets Defending Against Catastrophic Threats Information Sharing and Systems Domestic Preparedness and Response Continuity of Operations Volunteer Services

17 Where We Have Been…  Of the $195 million in federal funds allocated to Ohio, all has been budgeted, and more than $50 million has been spent by recipient agencies.  $5.4 million has been spent to purchase almost 14,000 sets of Personal Protection Equipment.  $5 million has been funded to Ohio EMA and EPA to protect critical infrastructure like utilities and public water supply.  $5 million has been spent for local-level communications interoperability.  The Ohio Dept. of Agriculture has received $1.5 million for bio-security measures.  The State of Ohio Security Task Force has approved, in partnership with the Peace Officer Training Commission and the State Fire Marshal, standardized First Responder training.  Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program established  Union County MARCS Project – communications system for first responders  Implemented State Strategic Plan

18 Local-level terrorism awareness program Presentation teaches communities protection through safety and security planning Goal is to have one trained instructor in every Ohio law enforcement agency Ohio Terrorism Awareness & Prevention (TAP)

19 To date, 51 Train the Trainer sessions have been held in 33 counties. By the end of 2004, 22 more sessions will be held in an additional 22 counties. Ohio Terrorism Awareness & Prevention (TAP) About 120 public TAP presentations have been held, reaching an estimated 28,000 Ohioans. The program is in the process of being placed on cable television in the Miami Valley. Nearly 800 trainers have completed the TAP Train the Trainer Program.



22 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program

23 Homeland Security Funds Overview FY 02 - $. 31 b illion FY 03 - $ 2.1 billion FY 04 - $ 2.9 billion FY 02 - $. 31 b illion FY 03 - $ 2.1 billion FY 04 - $ 2.9 billion FY 02 - $ 9.9 million FY 03 - $ 63.8 million FY 04 - $ 100.7 million FY 02 - $ 9.9 million FY 03 - $ 63.8 million FY 04 - $ 100.7 million

24 FY 04 Ohio Homeland Security Funds $100.7 million $32.5 million Urban Area Security Initiative $68.2 million Counterterrorism Grants

25 Total Equipment Reported by Disciplines for FY 99-04, $17.4 M * EMA spending includes items on behalf of first responders. (Decon supplies, PPE, Chem-Bio Detectors, Scene Lighting, etc.) Sep 30, 2004, as of Sep 30, 2004, data entries

26 Total Equipment Reported by Category for FY 99-04, $17.4 M 9/30/04 Report as of 9/30/04

27 Urban Area Security Initiative  Columbus  Cleveland  Cincinnati $32.5 million Cincinnati $ 12.67 million Cleveland $ 11.19 million Columbus $ 8.65 million

28 FY 04 Ohio Counterterrorism Grants $ 68.1 million $ 15.3 million Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program $ 51.7 million First Responders $ 1.1 million Citizen Corps

29  Information Sharing  Target Hardening  Threat Recognition  Intervention Activities  Interoperable Communications Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program

30 Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police Information Sharing Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association Interoperable Communications Interoperable Communications and Critical Infrastructure Protection and Critical Infrastructure Protection OutreachOutreach

31 FY 2004 Law Enforcement Funds $7.125 million $3 million $2.3 million $500,000 $1.5 million $890,000 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program Data Sharing Radio Interoperability BSSAOCJS Attorney General OACP OSHP ODNR

32 8-Region Ohio Response System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

33 Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Hazmat Bomb Squads Mobile Communications Medical/Surgical Joint Management Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Ohio Response Teams

34 Urban Search and Rescue Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

35 Mobile Communications 1 2 34 5 6 7 8

36 September 11, 2001

37 Homeland Security Homeland Security "We've made enormous progress, but obviously, we aren't done yet." - Tom Ridge Ohio Homeland Security Ohio Dept. of Public Safety 1970 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43223 phone: (614) 387-6171 fax: (614) 752-2419

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