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The Child Welfare System An Introduction Child Welfare in Numbers Nationally, an estimated 896,000 children were determined to be victims of child abuse.

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2 The Child Welfare System An Introduction

3 Child Welfare in Numbers Nationally, an estimated 896,000 children were determined to be victims of child abuse or neglect in 2002, after 2.6 million reports of abuse or neglect were received (involving 4.5 million children). Of these children, 61% were victims of neglect, 19% were physically abused, 10% were sexually abused, and 7% were emotionally maltreated. 28% of the victims were children 3 years of age or younger. 52% of the victims were children 7 years of age or younger.

4 Child Welfare in Numbers con’t Every day, nearly 4 children in the United States die from abuse or neglect. An estimated 1,400 children died from abuse or neglect in 2002.

5 Child Welfare in Numbers con’t In FY 2002, there were 32,715 reports of abuse/neglect made to child protective services units in Maryland. Abuse was substantiated in 7,551 children (23%).

6 Child Welfare in Numbers con’t In Montgomery County, the screening unit received 8,488 phone calls reporting suspected abuse/neglect during FY 2002. From those calls, 2,690 families were investigated, involving 5,673 children. Neglect investigations exceeded abuse investigations by 13%.

7 Child Welfare in Numbers con’t These investigations resulted in 550 children being placed in out-of-home placements during the year. An average of 353 children lived in foster homes. 65 children lived with relatives. 169 children lived in group homes or residential care.

8 An Intro to Child Welfare Children in Need of Assistance (CINA)- committed to The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), work with Social Worker Delinquent Youth- committed to the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS), work with a Juvenile Counselor (Probation Officer)

9 Making a Report of Child Abuse or Neglect Call 240-777-4417 The Screening Unit will ask you to provide the following info: –Name, address, gender, DOB of child –Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the child’s parents/caregivers –Child’s current location

10 Making a report con’t Your name and contact info, your relationship to child, your profession (non-mandated reporters may request anonymity) Full nature and extent of the child’s maltreatment Indication of prior maltreatment

11 Making a report con’t Direct knowledge, observations of the maltreatment Circumstances under which you first became aware of the child’s alleged abuse/neglect Statements made to you by the child pertaining to the maltreatment

12 Child Welfare Case Flow Community Screening Unit Community Resources Closed at Intake Assessment Unit Close the Case Open the Case For Services at DHHS Court Intervention Removal Once removal occurs, a Shelter care (Emergency) Hearing must occur within 24 hours

13 CW Case Flow con’t Removal ReunificationTPR/AdoptionKinship Care APPLA (w/ IL Services) Placement Options Include: -Relative/family friend -Foster Home -Shelter -Group Home -RTC -Hospital/Institution

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