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Jamie Py President & CEO MEMA. Leveraging Our Strengths Are You Comfortable?

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Presentation on theme: "Jamie Py President & CEO MEMA. Leveraging Our Strengths Are You Comfortable?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamie Py President & CEO MEMA

2 Leveraging Our Strengths Are You Comfortable?

3 Play the Numbers  12,000  361,000,000  233,000,000  35,000  1,328,361  186  12%

4 LD 553 “An Act to Reduce the Use of Oil” LD 863, “An Act to Allow The Maine State Housing Authority to Prepurchase Oil for LIHEAP” Friendly Legislature? LD 721, “An Act to Extend the Use of Underground Storage Tanks”

5 MEMA Bill Tracking Purple sheet in packet  Tracking about 35 bills at the moment.  Usually during session we watch 100 bills  Testify on 20-30  Heavily lobby 10-20  Industry specific bills to general business  ogin-members.asp

6 LD 553 An Act to Reduce the Use of Oil Legislators: See Packet - Pictures are in there Locals: Bills:


8 Invite Your Legislator to Your Business  If you do nothing else, do this. The worst that can happen is you gain a new customer!  Giveaway – send in your pictures – Sea Dogs

9 Talking Points – company intro, See crib sheet  Senator Thibodeau, Representative Fitts, and members of the Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee, my name is Jamie Py. I am the President of the Maine Energy Marketers Association (MEMA). MEMA is a trade association composed of approximately 500 member companies and over 12,000 people working in the energy delivery and service businesses delivering heating oil, biofuels, motor fuels, propane and kerosene and offering service for the equipment that operates on these fuels. In addition, our members own many convenience stores throughout Maine. We also provide professional education and training to the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, weatherization, and energy auditing trades for hundreds of Maine citizens annually through our courses at Maine’s community colleges and at our own state of the art training facility in Brunswick.  We support LD 431.

10 Energy Issues in Maine  One of President Obama's silliest lines is that we need to "invest" (read: "subsidize") in "the energy of the future" (read: "energy sources that are prohibitively expensive and extremely inefficient") so that China doesn't beat us to the "clean-energy future." This is silly because, as of now, this "clean-energy future" is just a future of more government subsidies for politically connected companies that produce products that don't create value. Read more at the Washington Examiner: confidential/2011/03/la-community-college-solar-wind- project-loses-future#ixzz1G19TqLak confidential/2011/03/la-community-college-solar-wind- project-loses-future#ixzz1G19TqLak

11 Angus King wants to put you out of business -  BDN – Maine on the Brink  Friends of Maine’s Mountains   Institute for Energy Research 

12 We Have the Better Story  We have the people  We have the community involvement (in folder)  Our economic impact is significant (in folder)  We have the solutions  See the Spotlight on Maine's Energy program - DVD

13 Oil prices Fixing them is in your hands n&tag=mncol;lst;1 CFTC limit speculation rule comments due

14 Oil Price Explanations to Customers America needs to get a grip on commodity costs! That’s why we’re fighting for you. Info on the table


16 Pennsylvania Lottery motto “You cannot win, if you do not play”

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