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高中英语 M10 U4 Project 课 件 牛津版选修 10. 高三年级 英语 Project, M10 U4.

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Presentation on theme: "高中英语 M10 U4 Project 课 件 牛津版选修 10. 高三年级 英语 Project, M10 U4."— Presentation transcript:

1 高中英语 M10 U4 Project 课 件 牛津版选修 10

2 高三年级 英语 Project, M10 U4


4 The main idea for each part Part 1 ______________ intellectural property Part 2 ______________ protecting intellectual property Part 3 ______________ piracy that we are facing Part 4 ______________ the problem the definition of the reasons for the problem of the solutions to

5 Listen and answer: 1. What is intellectural property? 2. Why do you think it necessary to protect intellectual property? 3. As consumers, what can we do to protect intellectual property?

6 It is defined as ideas, including inventions, writing, artwork, symbols and designs used in business. 1. What is intellectural property?

7 Intellectual property Industrial property Copyright Inventions Trade marks Industrial designs Novels Films Music Artwork Architectural designs

8 Because it means protecting the inventors or creators’ benefits. 2. Why do you think it necessary to protect intellectual property?

9 Firstly, we must pay to download music that is protected by copyright. Secondly, we should not buy pirated CDs or download music from websites that are offering free music illegally. 3. As consumers, what can we do to protect intellectual property?


11 1. … which applies to novels, films, music, artwork … (L6) We should apply the theory to practice. The teaching method doesn’t apply to my students.

12 2. Laws have been passed in most countries that make it illegal to copy intellectural property without paying the inventor or creator. (L9)

13 3…she deserves to be paid for it.(L11) deserve sth. / to do sth. What had he done to deserve this punishment? They certainly deserved to win that match. sb deserves a medal get what you deserve / deserve all you get 罪有应得

14 4. Research and development is very important in today’s business world, and ideas are more valuable than many material things. (L14) When and where to go is unknown. Trial and error is very important. The writer and actor is popular.

15 5. - - - one of the conditions of belonging to the organization is that these laws must be enforced in member countries. Because of this, the Chinese government has added its signature to several laws pro- tecting intellectural property. (L27)

16 6. In 2005 alone, film companies in Hollywood… (L37) alone 仅仅,单,只 ( 用于名词或 代词后以加强语气 ) Superman alone can save the world in the film. The price alone was enough to make me change my mind.

17 7. In 2003, it was estimated that 35 per cent of software on computers worldwide was pirated, which equaled a loss of $29 billion for the original producers. Even more widespread is the copying of music, especially with the development of new computer programs. (L39)

18 8. People who do these things cost worldwide industries billions of dollars annually. (L45) The sofa really cost. 那沙发可真值钱。 The best goods cost much money. How dear the lesson costs! 这个教训的代价真大啊! The work cost me much time and effort. The mistake alone almost cost him his life.

19 At last I bought the film rights of a novel at a reasonable cost. The scientific books will be sent without cost. I promise all costs will be readily returned. We must finish the work at all costs before midnight. cost n. 价格, 成本, 费用, 代价, 损失

20 9. We should remember that many companies expecting payment for their copyright material will not simply accept an apology. (L55)


22 1. 处于法律的困境 be in legal straits (L21) 2. 假冒或盗版产品 fake or pirated goods (L23) 3. 品牌手表的廉价复制品 (L23) cheap copies of designer watches 4. 促进国际贸易平稳发展 to smooth the progress of international trade (L25)

23 5. 有版权的材料 copyright materials (37) 6. 对 …… 构成严峻的挑战 (L48) to pose a serious challenge to … 7. 打击盗版 to discourage piracy (L52) 8. 为了帮助反盗版斗争更加深入 to help further the fight against piracy (L53)

24 9. 耗尽 … 的生命力 I’m very worried about my business. Many people are moving away from the city center, which is sucking the life out of my shop. suck the life out … (L49)

25 Dangerous currents can sucksuck swimmers under. Don’t teach your grandmother to sucksuck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。

26 Dangerous currents can sucksuck swimmers under. Don’t teach your grandmother to sucksuck eggs.

27 Homework checking: 1.D1, D2, P125 2.Prepare M11 unit 1

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