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Benefits of Student Membership.  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)  The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA)

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of Student Membership.  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)  The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of Student Membership

2  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)  The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) ◦ National ◦ Local Chapter  The Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSLHA)

3  NSSLHA ◦ National - $60 annually ◦ Local Chapter – Dues vary  OSLHA - $20 annually o Join online today at

4  Advocacy  Annual Legislative Event  Continuing Education  Communication  Opportunities for Student Involvement  OSLHA Convention  Other ◦ Mentorship ◦ Survey Collection ◦ Liability Insurance ◦ Research Grants ◦ Student Recognition Awards

5  Government Affairs Coalition (GAC) – OSLHA is 1 of 4 member organizations.  Employ lobbyists to address important issues and to promote change within areas of legislation.  OSLHA works for you on improving the quality of service delivery.  Annual Legislative Event at the State House in Columbus- April 5, 2016 5-7 pm.

6  Volunteer at the event registration table ◦ At the State House in Columbus ◦ April 5, 2016 5-7 pm  Interact with Ohio legislators on issues related to your future profession.

7  OSLHA Annual Convention ◦ March 10-12, 2016 ◦ At the Hilton-Easton in Columbus  High quality educational opportunities specifically for students including; Grad Program Rapid Round Tables and Professional Panels  A student Praxis Bowl with Prizes  Student Poster Presentations and a Poster Contest with Monetary Prizes  Volunteer opportunities for students to earn a discounted attendance rate.

8  Communication Matters – the OSLHA official quarterly newsletter.  eHearsay journal – award winning journal (now in an electronic format) provided to our members for free CEUs!

9  One of OSLHA’s priorities is providing students with many opportunities to become involved as a member of the association.  Opportunities include: ◦ Mentorship ◦ Reasonably Priced Liability Insurance ◦ Resumé Building Opportunities ◦ Annual Convention Participation ◦ Job Opening Listings ◦ Scholarships and Award Recognition

10  Attend OSLHA’s Annual Convention in Columbus, March 10-12, 2016.  Attend student-focused or professional seminars.  Network with students and professionals.  Present a Student Poster (deadline for submission consideration is October 31st).  Serve as a student volunteer and receive a discounted registration rate for your attendance.

11  This is an opportunity for a student to work on a committee with a current OSLHA member, who would serve as a mentor ◦ Audiology ◦ Schools ◦ Healthcare ◦ Developmental Disabilities (DD) ◦ Private Practice ◦ Nonprofit

12  Student Liability Insurance is available for students who are OSLHA members.  Cost is $45 for a year of student coverage.  The policy provides comprehensive coverage suitable for the supervised services a student provides.  Coverage is also available for those providing services as a Supervised Professional (SP) or Clinical Fellow (CF) and insurance can be upgraded from Student to Graduate coverage quickly and easily.

13  Volunteer to co-write, with the OSLHA Past President, a brief message in Communication Matters newsletter.  Participate in the Student Leadership Program to identify and refine your leadership strengths. Applications for our 2016 program being accepted until December 15 th, 2015.  Participate as a committee member on one of our many committees.

14  Access to collect data and conduct research using our Survey Monkey application online.  Purchase student liability insurance.  Job opening listings.  Scholarships or award recognition.  Research grant opportunities.

15  Visit the OSLHA Website:  Contact the OSLHA University & Student Affairs Rep: Robin Angell,

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