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Welcome to First Grade.... “We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to First Grade.... “We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to First Grade...

2 “We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.” Margaret Mead

3 Common Core The common core state standards are a set of learning skills that all American students should achieve, not a federal curriculum. They set the benchmarks and guidelines for what each student should learn, not how or what teachers teach. The Common Core Standards (CCSS) have been developed collaboratively by teachers, administrators, and experts to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our students for college and a globally competitive workforce. The CCSS were developed by determining what our students need to know, understand, and put into practice as they are benchmarked relative to the highest achieving school systems throughout the world

4 Our class pledge: We promise to work together, and show kindness. We will keep our hands to ourselves and be good listeners. We will take ownership and always do our best! FOREST ROCKS!

5 *Children learn in three basic ways: direct, hands-on experiences emotional connection making a connection with a previously acquired learning. How do we learn?

6 *Using the required curriculum of the Farmington Public Schools, my classroom practices will be organized under the following six structures: Integrative Units Small and Large Group Activities: station and center activities focus lessons Authentic Experiences Classroom Practices

7 Behavior It is necessary to implement a behavior policy to keep the classroom safe and a fun place to learn. This being said, I believe that children should personally be held accountable for their behavior, and in our classroom they will be. I also believe that children will act responsibly when given the proper skills, techniques, and ample time to practice. Model appropriate behavior, set boundaries, instill problem-solving skills, teach conflict resolution techniques, practice desired behavior and then allow children to make their own choices. Appropriate choices are always praised. Not so good choices are stated and then redirected while still allowing the child to make his/her own choice. If the same inappropriate behavior continues, I will model the desired behavior, practice the desire behavior, speak with the child, and have the child fill out a think sheet. If necessary, I will call home or choose a consequence I feel is appropriate and meets the need of the individual child. Implement a variety of positive reinforcements such as Forest R.O.C.K.S tickets, and other Love & Logic techniques that praise students for making good choices.

8 Mystery Readers  What is a Mystery Reader? Mystery Readers are special guests who come to our classroom to read a story to students. Mystery Readers can be parents, grandparents, older siblings, or other relatives. 4 When do Mystery Readers come? Mystery Readers come to our classroom on Fridays at 12:10 pm. However, if a Mystery Reader needs a different time to suit their schedule, we'll be glad to accommodate! 4 Where do I go to sign up to be a Mystery Reader? The Mystery Reader program will begin this week. Please sign the sheet before you leave this evening. I will post the sheet on our class wiki in case you are unable to choose a date this evening. You can let me know through email that you would like to be involved in this program. Your child will be SO excited that you participated, but remember to keep it "top secret" until your big day arrives! 4 See Mystery Reader page on class wiki for more info.

9 BIRTHDAYS I welcome you to send treats for your child’s birthday. Please just let me know at least one day in advance. You are welcome to join us for your child’s celebration. I prefer to celebrate birthdays at the end of the day if possible. It is also helpful if you send napkins with the treat. Please send the same treat/flavor for all the children. If birthday party invitations are to be distributed at school, ALL children (or all girls/boys) in the class must receive one. If this is not the case, please send invitations in the mail to avoid hurt feelings. I appreciate your cooperation with this!

10 An “Important Papers” folder labeled with your child's name will go back and forth to home and school each day. This folder will contain homework, newsletters, graded work, and any communication from the school. Please empty the folder each night and send any homework or notes back to school. I will check the folders each morning. This routine will enable us to communicate efficiently about your child’s progress in school. Folders

11 I try to send home a newsletter every 2 weeks. I explain what we are doing in our class ans include any important information. If important news comes up during the month, I will send a separate notice home at that time or send through an email distribution list. My goal is to bring any important news to you as possible. Newsletters

12 Monday, October 1st, we will begin the STAR OF THE WEEK. Each child in our classroom will have an opportunity to be a star for one week. While your child is the “Star”, three days of the week will consist of an exciting event or activity to honor him or her and to help us get to know our special classmate. I will send home a poster for you and your child to complete the week prior to their assigned week. Your child will then bring in their completed poster in on Monday of the week. We will display the poster on the board outside our classroom. Monday: Your Star Student brings in their complete poster and shares it with the class. The poster will then be hung outside our room on the class bulletin board. They may also bring pictures to hang up or share. Wednesday: Favorite Picture Book: Your star student brings (or chooses from our classroom library) one of his or her favorite picture books to read to the class (or have the teacher read to the class) at our class meeting. Friday: Your star student brings in a “Show and Tell” of something that is special to them. I would like to encourage the children to bring something that we all can learn about. Star of the Week

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